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Vulnerable Populations In Anytown

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The vulnerable is susceptible to physical and emotional injury (EMM 605 Lecture, July, 2015). According to Waugh Jr. and Tierney (2007), “the poor, the elderly, and those with chronic medical conditions need extraordinary assistance, and are often hardest hit by disaster”. The primary areas of concern for the emergency manager in regard to vulnerable populations are the difficulty to provide effective care for those with chronic medical conditions when a disaster hits, the way to find and convince everyone who must be displaced from one location to another, and how to meet the urgent and continual needs of all the vulnerable populations in Anytown. It is sure that many areas of concerns exist, but these ones are some of those that must seriously concern emergency managers. In Anytown, vulnerable populations can be identified. …show more content…
Among them 9.7% are poor. 10.6% of the population are below the poverty line, and 7.8% of families are also poor. Besides, individuals who need special medical care like those encountered in medical settings (hospitals, nursing homes, dialysis centers, and others) most likely exist in Anytown. One challenge that might be faced in adequately dealing with their needs is to not be aware of their existence and allocate fairly scarce resources to them. Another challenge is how to evacuate some of these vulnerable with the needed equipment. In addition, these vulnerable could be less prepared to disaster because they do not have resources for such

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