Araby In “Araby” by James Joyce, the narrator becomes infatuated with his best friend’s sister after meeting her for the first time. The narrator wants to invite the girl to the Araby. However, he gets rejected as the girl has a religion obligation. The narrator decides to go to the Araby himself because he wants to get a present for the girl. He realizes the true notion of love and romance as he walks through the stores at the Araby. The narrator learns the different between the love in reality and the ideal romantic notion as he counters the situations. The story occurs in Ireland as the narrator falls in love with his best friend’s sister. He follows her because he wants to have a look of her. The narrator is a Christian as he studies in a Christian school: “when the Christian Brothers' School set the boys free.” Nevertheless, the girl is also a Christian as the reason that she cannot attend to the Araby with the narrator is about religion obligation. At that time of the age, religion is a very important factor as most of the people believe in God and they need to go to church every week. Therefore, the girl cannot skip her obligation in order to go to the Araby with the narrator. The narrator wishes the girl to attend to the Araby with him, yet she cannot. In order to please the girl, the narrator decides to buy a little gift from the Araby and gives it to the girl: “‘If I go,’ I said, ‘I will bring you something’.” The narrator wants to get the girl’s heart by gifting a present from the Araby. Thus, his finally goal is actually to get the girl to accept her and they can start a relationship. Moreover, he always treats the girl with passionate and patient. The narrator is obviously trying to get the girl to fall in love with him as he does aggressive approaches to obtain the girl’s love. When the narrator returns to the Araby late at night, he observes