...Sometimes you have to accept the worst things life. This is a major theme that shows up through people lives everywhere on Earth, it also shows up in Walk Two Moons. Our main characters Sal and Phoebe both have had to accept several things they tried to deny throughout the book. The most noticeable thing that Sal had to accept was her mother's death. The entirety of the book was leading up to the point where Sal sat in front of her mother's grave and finally accept the fact that her mother, was not coming back. Sal says, “On the tombstone, beneath her name and the dates of her birth and death, was an engraving of a maple tree, and it wa only then, when i saw the stone and her name—Chanhassen “Sugar” Pickford Hiddle—and the engraving of that...
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...Have you ever experienced a huge change in your life, but then learned to accept it? In the story we see this from Sal’s journey in the book trying to bring her mother back home, as she is going through huge events of change but learning to accept them along the way. Even though Sal went through some rough events of change, she learned to be okay with them and accept it. A major theme in the novel Walk Two Moons that Sharon Creech was trying to tell is overtime we will accept change. How the plot contributes to the theme is we see Sal, Phoebe, and other characters going through events of change throughout the story, but then learning to accept them. To prove this, later in the story when Phoebe’s mother came back a big change happened for...
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...“Walk Two Moons” is a realistic fiction novel by Sharon Creech, and I read it for my book talk assignment. I thought this was a very interesting book because the setting shifts back and forth every chapter. What I mean by this is that in one chapter, the main character, Salamanca, is in a car traveling across the United States to go to Lewiston, Idaho, where her mother’s grave is located. In the next chapter, she flashes back to when she was in Euclid, Ohio before she left for this trip, and tells a story about her friend, Phoebe to her Grandparents who are also traveling with her. The main conflict in this story is presented while Salamanca is telling the story along their way: Phoebe’s mother disappears with a few notes left behind for her...
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...How would you react if your mother left you and what would you do? In the novel Walk Two Moons written by Sharon Creech, ‘‘Salamanca Tree Hiddle’’, the main character, moves from Bybanks, Kentucky to Euclid, Ohio. Salamanca could not accept that her mother, Ms.Chanhassen left and her father, Mr.John was already moving because of a “friend” called Margaret, so Gram and Gramps offered her a journey to Lewiston, Idaho to visit her mother. Their trip took seven days, but for them time passed really quickly, because Sal could tell all of her stories she had with Phoebe, her best friend. In this Journey Salamanca is shown very wean (Independent), and I am going to state some expectations as why she turned Independent. Salamanca Tree Hiddle got an offer of Gram and Gramps to visit her mother in Idaho, and by Sal accepting she was already being independent because In her father's words Gram and Gramps were not responsible people that could not take care of themselves. In page (4) she says “My father said that Gram and Gramps could not read maps worth a hill of beans, and that he was grateful that had agreed to go a long and help them find their way” “Sharon Creech”. Sal could not accept that she would not see her mother because of some tragic things happened...
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...“Don't judge a man until you've walked two moons in his moccasins” this recurring phrase in the novel Walk Two Moons by Sharon Creech. (Moccasins are american indian shoes). Anywho some of the characters are Sal, Sal's mom, Mrs. Winterbottom,and Phoebe. the book was kind of boring, at the beginning, but hey, the book had lots of emotion, including sadness, happiness, and hopelessness, and would recommend the book to people who have to write a book report. Anyway This first paragraph connects Creech's idea of sal and phoebe in the beginning of the novel. The first quote that supports the idea is “ Mrs. Winterbottom cleaned, baked ,and did laundry.”(27) This supports my topic because Sal's mom and Mrs. Winterbottom both felt they are...
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...WTM essay Have you ever had a place that was so special to you but that special place was haunted by all these memories about someone? Well sal loved the farm but when her mom left,sal and her dad had to move because her mother's spirits where in that farm. In the novel Walk Two Moons by Sharon Creech,the farm was an important setting to sal because she has a tree that sings,her mom is haunting the farm, and sals mom has a chicken that she loved. The singing tree is a important setting to sal because it reminds her of her mom.In the novel Walk Two Moons by Sharon Creech,”The sound was coming from somewhere in the top of one of those trees,and I thought,instantly,of the singing tree in Bybanks.”This is important to sal because the singing...
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...Lawrence gilmore ea 2.1 Carol Bennett once said,’’only you can change your life no one can change it for you’’In the novel walk two moons,written by Sharon Creech .Sal encounters external forces that cause her to grow or change. The firs external force sal experiences, is between new environment and old environment.Sal and her dad has to move to a new environment on page 1 it says, ‘’Just over a year ago,my dad plucked me up like a weed and took all of are belongings,and drove 300 miles straight and stopped in front of a house in Euclid Ohio.’’The reason I chose this quote because it shows me that.Even sal moves to a new environment,she still has to face the same problems that happened in Bybanks Kentucky that happened to sal....
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...The novel Walk Two Moons by Sharon Creech is based on a story of a girl called Salamanca Tree Hiddle that suffered lots after her mother left her and her father. She lived in a farm in Bybanks, Kentucky. Salamanca loved the farm, and living close to nature and animals. In the novel, Salamanca becomes very independent in consider from the beginning of the novel. She becomes independent when she traveled with Gramps and Grams to Idaho because she was the one with the map guiding them through the trip. Also because she drove a car by herself all the way from a hospital to the top of a really high mountain, close to Lewiston. The last reason why she became independent is the most important one, and the reason that really changed her life. When she discovered that her mother was actually dead, she was mature and independent enough to understand that she was not coming back but that there was still hope....
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...In Walk Two Moons written by Sharon Creech, there are numerous instances where blackberries are mentioned by the main character, Salamanca. Salamanca or Sal, recently moved to Euclid, Ohio, bringing with her the memories of Bybanks, Kentucky, her mother, and blackberries. When invited to a new friend’s, Phoebe’s, house, Sal refuses the blackberry pie, but says, “I like blackberries very much.” Because of the memories attached to blackberries for Sal, blackberries symbolize Sal’s mother. In ne recollection Sal’s mother is walking in a field. Sal remembers writing in the school-required journal, “She popped the blackberries into her mouth. Then she looked all around…I thought I could detect as from a small dark stain, as from a blackberry kiss.” The blackberry kiss could signify Sal’s family’s love for each other and their community. During a dinner with Phoebe’s family, Sal remember vividly she and her mother walking “around the rims of the fields and pastures in Bybanks, picking blackberries. We did not pick from the bottom of the vine or from the top…for the rabbits…for the birds. The ones at people-height were for people.” This illustrations how much Sal and her mother care for animals, not just...
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...defined by President John F Kennedy’s speech at Rice University and thus “The Space Race” had begun. In that speech, John F Kennedy stated “We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.” JFK RICE MOON SPEECH. (n.d.). The space race ignited America’s competitive spirit. The space race between the two world powers changed humanity with breaking the limits of new technology in space travel and catapulted the United States to evolve into the world leader by landing a human on the moon. On October 4 of 1957, the space race began between two of the most powerful countries when Russian launched an unmanned rocket called Sputnik 1 into orbit. “The launch of Sputnik 1 had a "Pearl Harbor" effect on American public opinion.” Launius, R. (n.d.). Then Russia, a month later, launched Sputnik 2 which included a small dog named Laika. The U.S. tried to catch up by launching two satellites. One of the satellites failed to reach orbit, however one of satellite discovered what is called The Van Allen belt. In 1959, the United States launched the Luna 1, which was the first manmade object to reach the solar orbit. Then, the United States launched the Luna 2, which became the first manmade object to reach the moon. On November 8 of the next year, John F Kennedy was elected President and informed NASA he wanted the United States to get mankind in...
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...Apollo 11 was a manned mission to the moon, the astronauts included, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins. What was Apollo 11? Apollo 11 was the first manned mission to land on the Moon. The astronauts returned to Earth with samples from the moon (“Apollo 11”). Also, Apollo 11 paved the path for other space missions (“Apollo 11”). Some of the astronauts brought samples of the lunar surface back to Earth. This helped scientist learn more about the moon. The Apollo 11 mission also paved the way for other space missions. Apollo 11 paved the way for many space missions and helped scientist learn more about the moon. Neil Armstrong...
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...Apollo 11 was the first space mission to the moon. American astronauts, Neil Armstrong and Edwin ¨Buzz¨ Aldrin, were the first people to ever walk on the moon. Going to the moon was a great accomplishment, because it had never been done before. It was a great opportunity to explore a different planetary body in our solar system. The Apollo 11 mission impacted history because it opened new science opportunities and brought a newfound confidence to scientists. Exploring the moon was applicable to history because we found out more about the moon and its materials. Apollo 11 was the eleventh of many missions using a flight hardware known as Apollo. It was launched from Cape Kennedy on July 16, 1969 and landed on July 24, 1969. The spacecraft touched down on the moon 102 hours, 45 minutes and 40 seconds after take off. The astronauts had a meal when they landed, but they postponed their sleep period. They spent 21 hours and 36 minutes on the surface of the moon, 7 hours of which were dedicated to sleeping. The astronauts jobs were to collect lunar samples, conduct several...
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...Over the course of American history few things have captured Americans’ hearts and imaginations the way that the Apollo moon missions have. Neil Armstrong’s famous quote, “That’s one small step for a man. One giant leap for mankind”, is as synonymous with American culture as apple pie or baseball. Armstrong’s moonwalk was the pride of his home country and fascinated people across the globe. This was not the only event from the lunar missions to seize the world’s collective attention. On April 11, 1970 NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) launched the ill-fated Apollo 13 mission, also known as Odyssey (Journey Through the Galaxy). About two and a half days after take-off Apollo 13 experienced an explosion to an oxygen tank which then led to many systems’ failure and put the lives of the crew on board in danger (Dumoulin). The other famous quote from these lunar missions was born when Jack Swigert, the command module pilot, radioed in to report, “Houston, we’ve had a problem here.” (Dumoulin). While these two incidents made heroes out of men, the less talked about discoveries made from the Apollo missions are truly remarkable. Scientists were able to study information gathered and form new theories on how and what formed the moon. In addition to that, the technologies involved in getting men to the moon and allowing them to explore led to innovations used here on Earth. During the early 1960’s America was locked in a bitter cold war with the Soviet Union...
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...I chose to talk about Space Explorations: Apollo Missions. I chose this because landing on the moon was a wonderful thing we were able to accomplish and I do consider the crew to be a heros. They very easily could have died and I don’t know that a lot of people think about that they were willing to give their lives to be able to move Science forward. In the book “Apollo Moon Mission: The unsung heroes” it said “In 1961, President John F. Kennedy issued a challenge: the United States would land a man on the moon and return him safely to earth before the end of the decade. It seemed like an impossible task and one that the Russians--who had launched the first satellite and put the first man into earth's orbit--would surely perform before us....
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...James, Janice, and Andrew, to Beverly Zile, and to his current wife, Lois Driggs Cannon, whom he married on Valentine's Day, 1988. He filed for divorce from Lois on June 15, 2011 in Los Angeles, citing “irreconcilable differences,” according to his attorney, one day after the couple separated. Aldrin is an active supporter of the Republican Party, headlining fundraisers for GOP members of Congress. In 2007, Aldrin confirmed to Time magazine that he had recently had a face-lift; he joked that the G-forces he was exposed to in space "caused a sagging jowl that needed some attention. On September 9, 2002, filmmaker Bart Sibrel, a proponent of the Apollo moon landing hoax theory, confronted Aldrin and his stepdaughter outside a Beverly Hills, California hotel. Sibrel said "You're the one who said you walked on the moon, when you didn't" and called Aldrin "a coward, and a liar, and a thief. Aldrin then punched Sibrel in the face....
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