Premium Essay

Wasted Water


Submitted By phatdog
Words 592
Pages 3
Wasted Water Water is the most important resource to human life and without it we would perish very quickly. “We could survive for several weeks without food, but for only a few days without freshwater” (Miller & Spoolman, 2013, p.238). Water also plays a key role in shaping the earth’s surface, controlling the climate and helping to remove and dilute some of the pollutants that exist (Miller & Spoolman, 2013). If that is the case, why do we take such huge advantage of this valuable resource? One reason I believe we do is there is a belief that exists in all of us that water is abundant and will always be here. There is some truth to that by the amount of water that is here on earth but this is deceiving because that is sea water and the salt levels in sea water is too high for us to consume or use in our homes and lives like we do now. But regardless of how important this source is, we continue to waste it and at a good rate. “According to water resource expert Mohamed El-Ashry of World Resources institute, about 66% of the freshwater used in the world and about 50% of the freshwater used in the United States is unnecessarily wasted” (Miller & Spoolman, 2013, p. 251). He goes on to state that if we can reduce our waste to 15%, that would be enough to meet the water needs of the world for the foreseeable future (Miller & Spoolman, 2013).
I chose critical thinking question number four at the end of chapter 11 which asks to calculate how many liters and gallons of water are wasted in one month by a toilet that leaks two drops per minute and how many bath tubs could be filled from that based on a tub that holds 151 liters or 40 gallons. According to the question, there are approximately 3500 drops in a liter which equates to .265 gallons and my calculation was based on a 30 day month. In one month there were 5,184,000 drops. That equates to approximately 1481 liters

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