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Water for Life White Paper Report


Submitted By spiky313
Words 2968
Pages 12
Report on the Water for Life White Paper
23rd March 2012
Student number: P11240151
Student name: Mohammed Abdo Mohammed
Tutor name: Kathryn Jones
Module: Managing the Environment

Contents page 1.0 Executive summary P 3

2.0 Introduction P 3

3.0 Methodology P 4 4.0 Findings 4.1 Water for Life White Paper P 4 4.2 The main water for life White Paper reforms P 5 4.3 Impact of the Water for Life White Paper on the organisation P 6-7 4.4 Relation of the paper with EU/International context P 8 4.5 Views of environmental actors P 9 4.6 Theoretical/Environmental concepts P 10-11 4.7 SWOT P 12-13 4.8 Good practice by other suppliers P 14-15
5.0 Conclusion P 16

6.0 Recommendation P 17

7.0 Bibliography P 18-19

1.0 Executive summary

This report was commissioned for the purpose of researching the impact of the Water for Life White Paper which was introduced in December 2011. The paper intends to reform the water industry by opening the market, in the hope that the investors who are looking to enter the market will bring more creativity and help reduce the prices for customers. It also gives the customers the flexibility of choosing their suppliers. The paper states clearly that it intends to re-affirm its catchment to produce better qualities of water while the paper has its pros and cons for the organisation, it does overall cover sustainable development, as it focuses on the environment, economy and social factors of the country. 2.0 Introduction
The Water for life white paper was published by the Department for Environment on 8 December 2011. It was introduced because the water resources in the UK are under pressure due to the growing population and increase in usage of water over the years. The main purpose of the paper is to

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