...use? Will this product work in other places? Who else finds this product useful? How to enhance the value of the product without changing the intended use? Are there completely different uses for any product? Some manufacturers have figured out that there are multiple uses and have built advertising campaigns around these “non-traditional” uses. WD-40 and duct tape have web sites devoted to the myriad “other uses” for their products. One of the large soft drink manufacturers has sponsored a cook-off for recipes that use their product as an ingredient. WD 40 The best product featuring “put to other use” from creativity tool SCAMPER in today’s world would be WD 40 that not only showcases a few uses but has a huge list of varied uses. Known as "the can with thousands of uses," WD-40 is truly one of the most versatile, multi-purpose problem solvers on the market. It protects metal from rust and corrosion, penetrates stuck parts, provides a great moisture barrier, and lubricates just about anything.WD-40 also specializes in the removal of all kinds of gunk. WD-40 is the solution to all problems be it grease, grime or gum. WD 40 is a product offering...
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