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Web Assignemnt 1


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Web assignment 1
1. This flattener has been raised to an art form by firms like Wal-Mart that electronically track sales and quickly replenish inventory on store shelves. a. Outsourcing b. Insourcing c. Informing d. Supply chaining 2. This flattener, by enabling people to mine tons of electronic data, has greatly facilitated cross border collaboration. a. Outsourcing b. Insourcing c. Informing d. Supply chaining

3. Friedman argues that 8/9/95 is a significant date in the history of globalization. Why? a. Netscape went public, ushering in the Internet boom, which led to massive investment in fiber optics and other high tech infrastructure b. Bill Gates and Microsoft introduced Windows 95, which revolutionized the way in which companies manage information c. NAFTA was ratified by the governments of the U.S., Mexico and Canada, forming the world's largest free trade area d. Bill Clinton signed a free trade accord with China, the last major bastion of Communism in the world 4. Friedman mentions many companies that are using information technology to better serve their customers and enhance their position in the marketplace. Which of the following is a company he does NOT discuss? a. Southwest Airlines b. McDonald's c. Jet Blue d. Apple Computer

5. The owner of an American manufacturing company closes his factory in Canton, Ohio and opens a new one in Canton, China. According to Friedman, this is an example of: a. Outsourcing b. Offshoring c. Insourcing d. Open-Sourcing 6. Friedman argues that 11/9 is a critical date in the history of globalization. Why? a. Friedman is dyslexic; terrorists struck the Twin Towers in New York on 9/11 - not 11/9 b. The Berlin Wall fell on 11/9/89, symbolizing the end of Communism c. Bill Gates and Microsoft introduced Windows 95 on 11/9/95, which revolutionized the way in which companies manage information d. China and India, the world's two most populous nations, joined the WTO on 11/9/00 7. This flattener is represented by firms like UPS, DHL and Fed-X, which will take over a firm's internal logistics so that it may focus on its core competencies. a. Outsourcing b. Insourcing c. Informing d. Supply chaining 8. This flattener owes its existence to a bunch of "geeks" sitting around college dormitories trying to write the next great operating system. a. Outsourcing b. Insourcing c. Informing d. Open sourcing 9. This flattener includes a variety of technologies such as wireless telephony, voice-over-internet-protocol, and advances in graphical design and user interface that have greatly facilitated collaboration across borders. a. Open sourcing b. Insourcing c. Informing d. The Steroids

10. Friedman states that the world being flattened yet no one has bothered to tell the _____. a. Obama administration b. Flat Earth society c. Congress d. Children

11. In what year does Friedman argue that the 10 “flatteners” began to converge? 1. 1990 2. 1995 3. 2000 4. 2005 12. Friedman discusses an innovative new pilot project launched by _____ that uses digital technology to expedite drive-thru orders. 1. McDonald’s 2. Burger King 3. Wendy’s 4. Taco Bell 13. Friedman cites the collaboration between two young “techies” from different countries that resulted in creation of _______ as an illustration of how the Web has become a powerful tool of innovation. 1. Ebay 2. Facebook 3. Firefox 4. iTunes

14. UPS repairs Toshiba computers on behalf of Toshiba. The work is done at the UPS hub in Louisville, Kentucky, by UPS employees. According to Friedman, this represents ______. 1. Insourcing 2. Outsourcing 3. Supply chaining 4. Offshoring 15. Friedman cites the fact that the Brazilian government has switched its software from Microsoft Windows to Linux to illustrate the trend toward _____. 1. Insourcing 2. Outsourcing 3. Informing 4. Open sourcing