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Week 5 Leadershp


Submitted By saxguy326
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Pages 4
Team Leadership Effective leaders are a quality not commonly found in every individual. Developing the ability to encourage a team to reach an established goal is difficult task to take on. In leading and developing an effective work team, there should be a group for setting up the group work. Setting the purpose and goals clearly in the organization was used as basis for leading and developing work team. In the case of my marketing team, including myself I have four personalities, which to work from to assemble a marketing team that will work efficiently with one another. Team A consists of three members Vineta Byrd, Suman Mukherjee, and Kimmy Byrd. All three individuals have selected to be part of a new team within a new department. Each individual are required to participate in a personality assessment. The indivduals in my marketing team were analyzed on the Jungian 16-Type Personality test. The personality types in my group are two ENFP, one ETNP, and one ENTJ. These personality types are very similar to one another, thus making an effective marketing group. The first personality type in my marketing group is the ENTJ, a personality type that often known as natural born leaders. The personality best describes Suman. ENTJ are very a career-focused, and fit into the corporate world quite naturally. They are never-ending individuals that are results focus and driven to visual an organization toward the future. He shows the characteristics such as innovative, individualistic, versatile, and entrepreneurial. He would is best suited for the role of evaluator to evaluate proposals against a predetermined or objective standard. He would also assess a proposal and looks at if it is fact-based and manageable as a solution. The second personality is ETNP is the extroverted side is very dominant. The primary interest understands the environment that surrounds them. They are constantly taking in ideas and images about situations that they were presented with. Her personality describes as innovative, individualistic, versatile, and entrepreneurial. One role that would be best suited is for the role of coordinator and initiator/contributor within the group. She has characteristics, which would enable her to perform the role successful, such as introducing original ideas toward group problems and goals. The third personality in the group is the ENFP that both Kimmy and I share. ENFP stands for extroverted intuitive feeling judging, which means orientated, creative, and highly optimistic. A better way to describe his personality is as warm, enthusiastic people full of potential. Kimmy is best suited for the role as elaborator and energizer of the group. Kimmy would take group members initial ideas and builds on them with examples, relevant facts, and data. Also looks at the consequences of proposed ideas and actions. The situation in which my marketing team is one in which it will need to come together to accomplish group goals that will be set. A majority of the group individuals share common characteristics of their personalities, EN, and then it would be easier on the group to easily and effectively communicate with each other. The urgency within the group will be to find and make someone a leader within the group, establish goals, divide, and assign labor and begin to work on the set goals. The matter that will be of the most urgency is the division of labor within the group because one of its biggest strengths, the above-mentioned fact that all of the members could be possible leaders, is also one of the group's biggest weaknesses. Making sure that everyone knows his or her job and that no one bumps over into someone’s work territory will be an important first step for my marketing team to take. Setting the purpose and goals clearly in the organization as a basis for leading and developing work team. After satisfying the staffing needs and clearly setting the organizational mission and goal, the next question to be answered would be how to develop a work team effectively. Because I have been chosen to take charge of this group, I will begin by dividing the labor and clearly establishing who needs to do what and what lines are to be drawn. The members of my group will be able to operate within clear guidelines that all of our personalities tend to crave. Two leadership theories that will be able to be applied in this situation will be the theories of relational and collaborative leadership. Relational leadership theory focuses on the importance of the relationships establish in leadership roles. Making sure that the relationship between myself and my co workers, and my co workers and themselves is an essential facet of having a successful team. Without the trust and confidence given through effective and meaningful relationships, leadership in a group will be difficult to exercise. The collaborative leadership theory applies here because in such a small team, making sure that everyone is collaborating on work is a critical part of making sure that everyone is on the same page

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