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Week 8 Discussion


Submitted By rajmahesh7
Words 386
Pages 2
1) How will customer relationships be different in a virtual world?
Customer relationships in a virtual world are a delicate matter. The design of a web site is very important for presenting a favorable face to the customer. Similarly, the design of a business in SL is of chief importance. In a world where anything goes design wise, how do you want your customer service representatives to appear? The business must present something fantastic, that it could not present in the real world, if it wants to draw visitors into it.

2) How will supporting Second Life customers differ from supporting traditional customers?
Second Life provides a medium for simulating real world interactions online. It has the same benefits as teleconferencing or videoconferences, the ability to assemble many people from all around the world into a real time interactions. NPR’s Science Friday makes great use of this tool, hosting a studio audience in SL that they couldn’t otherwise support. Public speakers also benefit. I once attended a talk by a favorite science fiction author who would not have attracted enough of an audience in any one local, but SL was perfect for finding enough interest from around the globe to come up with a great turn out.

3) How will supporting Second Life customers differ from supporting Web site customers?
Being a virtual world, Second Life is much less about providing the visitor information they can read, and all about giving them a place they can visit. If I were a homebuilder or architect, I would put model homes and buildings up to tour. If I were a game developer,
I would let the visitors walk through a reconstruction of a level in my game. NASA and the Star Trek Fan Club both have “sandboxes” in SL, where visitors can design ships and lunar bases.

4) What customer security and ethical issues might you encounter in Second Life?

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