...Part 2 Parotid Salivary Gland- Is located above the esophagus. Esophagus- Is located after pharynx and reaches down to the stomach. Liver- The liver is located on the right side of the body. It is right next to the stomach. Gallbladder- The gallbladder is located almost on top of the liver and on the right side of the body. Small intestine- Is wrapped up directly under the stomach and large intestine. Ascending colon- Is right next to the apexdix and located at the begining of the large intestine. Anal canal-Is the last part of the digestive system and located near the rectum. Appendix- Is located under thesmall intestine. Rectum- Is at the bottom of the digestiuve system. Descending colon- Is located in the left part of the abdomen. Transverse colon- Located right under the stomach Pancreas- located on the right part of the stomach. Stomach- middle upper left of the adbomen. Pharynx- is located inside out mouth but before the esophagus. Part 3 Propulsion: Mouth, small intestine, Esophagus, Stomach, Large Intestine Absorption: Small intestine, Stomach, Large Intestine Chemical Digestion: Small intestine, Mouth, Stomach, Large Intestine Mechanial Digestion: Mouth, Stomach, Small Intestine Part 4 Propulsion- it gives energy in a certain direction, in this meaning the esophogus fuels food to our stomach. Absorbtion- When food breaks down and are transferred the gastrointestinal track to our circulation. Chemical digestion- it breaks down our food into a...
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