Student Petition for Tuition Waiver Form Date: 04/28/2014 Name: UTURBINA RYAN | Student ID: A00469421 Section # ENGL - 1001 - 15 | Course Name: ENGLISH COMPOSITION | Instructor: CYNTHIA LUNA | Term in which course was taken*: SPRING QTR 2014 | Current grade for the course**: n/a | School: WALDEN UNIVERSITY | Program: B.S. CHILD DEVELOPMENT | Dissertation Chair/Faculty Mentor: N/A | Please provide your specific reasons for requesting a tuition waiver: Medical*** Faculty Travel (for residency petitions only) Other Please provide additional information: I have a transfer credit for this class, so I do not have to take it | What outcome are you seeking (check one)? ( ✓) Tuition waiver only ( ) Grade change and tuition waiver (separate petition for grade change is required) Please provide additional information: |
* In accordance with the Walden University Catalog, petitions will not be considered beyond 30 calendar days of the last day of the term/course in question. Petitions submitted after 30 calendar days may be denied.
** Please note: If you received a letter grade for this course, you may not be eligible for a tuition waiver.
***Supporting documentation may be requested by Academic Advising depending on the nature of the petition. All supporting documentation is subject to independent verification by Walden University. Supporting medical documentation must be faxed to Document Management at 1-800-878-5444, or e-mailed to, only after the petition has been submitted to Academic Advising.
****Submission of falsified documentation is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct and may result in disciplinary action, including dismissal from the University.