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Werewolves Research Paper

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“A blood-curdling howl pierces the dead of night as a full moon looms overhead. In the mist-shrouded forest, a sinister beast prowls, patiently anticipating its unwary mark wandering into its kill range” (Gerhard 48). Werewolves have a unique history and some intriguing characteristics. Interestly enough, certain documented cases prove that these hellhounds roam the earth. On the other hand, skeptics claim this paranormal doesn’t exist because they have no tangible proof. Due to a surplus of information from the media, a majority of the public has bought into the werewolf phenomenon. All in all, the presence of werewolves will live on because of the media glamorizing this paranormal, even as skeptics continue to say they’re a mythical creature.
There have been many accusations about werewolves existing in Europe during the 16th and 17th centuries. The allegations include the Beast of Gevaudan, the Livonian Werewolf, the Wolf of Ansbach, and many more (Starr). Werewolves are considered to be a paranormal, which can be defined as “an event or perception is said to be paranormal if it involves forces or xagencies that are beyond scientific explanation” (Carrol). The etymology …show more content…
Wolves were said to be better hunters than early humans (Bodart 76). Werewolves roam open fields searching for prey on a full moon night (Paulson). They have had to roam in open fields because of deforestation. As a result, werewolves are being pushed into the suburbs (Paulson). The werewolf does many things. “Its ferocity was unprecedented, as the creature regularly decapitated disemboweled, or otherwise mutilated its human victims, yet it strangely avoided livestock” (Gerhard 49). To kill a werewolf, only a couple of things can do that. A silver bullet is one of the main things that kills werewolves and another one being meteorites (Remington). To sum up, these beings are certainly lethal and aren’t always easy to

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