...Lens and Dilemmas Ethical Leadership C206 April 4th, 2015 Ethical Lens and Dilemmas Ethics is the guiding force in any respectable organization. With a moral compass, especially in the leadership of organization, a company can become compromised and fall into a quagmire of legal issues, a tarnished reputation, and devaluation of company stock if it is a publically traded company. In pursuit of examine my own ethical lens I will analyze the ethical traits of an admired leader, my own traits as exhibited in the Ethical Lens Inventory, and how I make a decision concerning a particular ethical dilemma. Ethical Traits of President Obama My chosen leader for this ethics review is President Barack Obama. President Obama’s two leading exhibited ethical traits are respect and fairness. According to article Obama's Leadership & Character Traits Obama showed the first trait, respect, when he shared his views concerning diplomacy with Iran before he took office. He believed that we should recommence peace talks with Iran rather than pass a bill that would seek to label a group within their borders a terrorist threat which would lead us to locate troops near the Iranian border and escalate already heated tensions with Iran. Obama showed respect in this instance by believing that the past of an organization does not inherently infer that the organization should be disrespected by using force first rather than diplomacy. (Obama's Leadership & Character Traits, n.d.) The...
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...A. Discuss how an understanding of nursing-sensitive indicators could assist the nurses in this case in identifying issues that may interfere with patient care. Nursing-sensitive indicators reflect elements of patient care that are directly affected by nursing practice, specifically three aspects of nursing care which include: structure, process, and outcomes. Structural indicators include the supply of nursing staff, the skill level of nursing staff, and the education and certification levels of nursing staff. Process indicators measure methods of patient assessment and nursing interventions. Nursing job satisfaction is also considered a process indicator. Outcome indicators reflect patient outcomes that are determined to be nursing-sensitive because they depend on the quantity or quality of nursing care. These include things like pressure ulcers and falls. When understanding the above, this could greatly assist the nurses in the case of Mr. J in identifying issues that may interfere with patient care in a number of ways. In the first sentence of the scenario, it states that Mr. J is a retired rabbi, with that statement we are informed of Mr. J’s religious beliefs and background of Jewish faith. Structural indicators, specifically the education level of the nursing staff would benefit the certain beliefs and customs members of the Jewish community follow. Having a high level of education would aide in the nurses quality of care. Process indicators would also be of assistance...
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...Leadership and Distance Education in Higher Education: A US perspective Sonja A. Irlbeck University of Minnesota Abstract The premise of this article is that while in the US understanding is growing about the technologies and strategies needed for effective distance education in an online environment, leadership efforts remain weak. The article describes leadership for distance education, historical perspectives of leading distance education, and how the Internet has directly changed distance education efforts in US higher education institutions. The article concludes with an appraisal of how the approach of higher education leaders must change in order for distance education efforts to be successful. Keywords: change; distance education; higher education; Internet; leaders; leadership; technology; policy Leadership and Distance Education in Higher Education: A US perspective The worlds of work and education are changing, and leaders in today’s educational institutions need to determine how to effectively lead in the acquisition, development, and dissemination of information to tomorrow’s workers. Leadership is necessary to bring cohesion to the distance education arena within higher education. Drucker (1998) maintained that in the latter part of the last century, technology resulted in a transformation of the social structure. We saw the “rise and fall of the blue-collar worker” (p. 539), the rise of the industrial worker who gave way to the rise of the knowledge worker...
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...WGU JKT2 (Management and Strategy Capstone WrittenProject) Complete Course Task 1 – 3 – Latest Work Click The Link Below , Instant Download http://www.hwprofile.com/?p=12 For Any Information E- Mail Us At WhisperHills@Gmail.Com $70.00 – Purchase TASK 1 Task: 1. Submit the peer evaluation report for the evaluations you received from your team members. 1. Evaluate your personal and team performance in the simulation based on the peer evaluation report by doing the following: 2. Discuss howone of your strengths can be utilized in the workplace. 3. Discuss how you can improve uponone of your weaknesses in the workplace. 4. Discuss your role on the team. 5. Discuss the strengths of your team as a whole. 6. Discuss the weaknesses of your team as a whole. 7. Explain how you interacted with your team. 8. Explain how you overcame challenges you faced as a team. 9. Discuss what teamwork advice you would give to others who were beginning to work on the simulation. 10. Discuss the relevance of teamwork in the simulation to the context of your professional Task 2 1. Describe the impact the company strategy had on your functional area in the simulation. 2. Reflect on the decisions that were made in the simulation by doing the following: Note: Your reflection may include graphs and other data. 1. Discuss decisions that you would change. 1. Discuss decisions that had a positive impact. 3. Present...
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...Oral Presentation WGU JYC1 Task 1 Hello my name is Hugh Leonard and this is an Oral presentation done for WGU YJT Task 2 and the title of the presentation is Title of presentation: Social Environments and The Effects on Businesses Presentation topic : Social Environments Thesis Statement: Various research has suggested that the social environment of a business is integral aspect as to whether that business is a failure or a success because of a positive environment with positive reinforcement and teamwork which helps to inspire and encourage employees to work together and collaborate on projects. Body What is to be included in this presentation is mainly social environment aspects of a business environment that are also considered internal environment. Pujari stated (2015) "Internal environment also includes all those factors which tend to influence business and which are present within the business itself." Employees tend to be influenced by context in which they work and that can have positive and negative impacts on productivity. Most employers take the necessary steps to instill and maintain a harmonious and positive social environment in the workplace which also tends to instill future success. "Some key aspects of creating and fostering positive social environments include building trust, team spirit, teamwork, job satisfaction, customers, and leadership, specific details, explanations or descriptions of those." (2013, Janaury). Retrieved from http://www...
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...WGU AFT2 RAFT2 (Accreditation Audit) MBA Graduate Programe - Complete Course All 4 Tasks http://www.homeworkminutes.com/question/view/41054/AFT2-RAFT2-Accreditation-Audit-WGU-MBA-Graduate-Program-Complete-Course AFT2 Accreditation Audit Task 1 1. The purpose of this executive summary is to outline the current status of compliance of the organization for the priority focus area of communication, namely the standard UP.01.01.01 which is named the “Conduct a Pre-procedure Verification Process” as noted by the Joint Commission standards. A.2. The primary area of focus I chose to review was the communication aspect. I feel that communication is vital in any business, especially health care. Clear communication improves patient care and the quality of care. This is evident when time is taken to verify a patient or a procedure. When things go wrong due to misidentification of a patient, not only does that cost time and money for the patient as well as the extra burden of having that wrong fixed, but it also costs the hospitals too. Their costs are increased by trying to fix the issue and then legal issues to follow. The best way to avoid any mistake and/or injury is to adopt a more vigorous verification system. AFT2 Accreditation Audit Task 2 A.1. An unexpected occurrence that involves serious bodily or psychological harm including death or the risk leading to these is known as a sentinel event. (Sentinel event, 2013) A.2. Several people were...
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...Task 1 A. Describe your chosen organization by doing the following: 1. Describe the organization and its objective(s). Reflect * Think about the organization you have chosen to write about and describe its purpose. Why does it exist? What are its objectives? What are the vision and mission statements of the organization? Write * Write one paragraph describing the organization’s background, purpose, vision, and mission * Write one paragraph describing/listing the objectives of the organization A.1. Harrison Medical Center is a non-profit, community based hospital that serves four counties west of Seattle, Washington. The hospital was founded in 1918 as small community hospital and has grown into the primary care facility for nearly the entire north western quadrant of the state. The concept of a non-profit, community based hospital is that if a local resident needs a procedure or treatment; the funding will be located to provide the needed medical intervention (Charity Care). Their mission statement is “We make a positive difference in people's lives through exceptional healthcare.” Vision statement is “We will be the premier health system in the Pacific Northwest.” (Directors, 2016) citation but no foot note Harrison must stay medically relevant and financially competitive with other hospital systems to remain the dominate medical partner in the region. To accomplish this, they have to expand their services as well as continuing to provided top...
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...Managing Organizations and Leading People, C200 Task 1 Managing Organizations and Leading People Evangeline Klingbeil 262608 WGU C200 Task 1 Emerson is a global technology and engineering solutions company that has been providing diversified and innovative solutions to customers for the last 125 years , as of 2015, employ more than 111,000 people . They are solution providers for industrial, commercial and consumer markets through its 5 business units. Those business units are: Emerson Process Management Companies are under constant pressure to cut cost, increase output all with fewer and less experienced workers. Emerson Process Management is relied upon by companies across the globe to aid in solving their process problems. Emerson is experienced in taking their customers toughest challenges and bringing predictable success. Emerson Industrial Automation There is a power in optimizing every facet of operations, greater energy efficiency, lower design costs and improved quality, to name a few. Emerson Industrial Automation helps speed your time to market, wherever you are located and whatever your line of business, from automotive to solar and wind, with reliable industrial automation solutions. Emerson Network Power Emerson Network Power is a hardware, software and service solutions technology business unit of Emerson. They are there to help protect and optimize the infrastructure for companies voice, data or multimedia content...
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... 1. Identify a role for each team member. How will this structure allow the team to be more effective? The first two roles must be filled. Other roles could include facilitator, team members, note taker, timekeeper, and reviewer/publisher. (Note: There must be a team leader as well as someone designated to compile (a compiler) the handbook in addition to the remaining roles listed above.) Role | Team Member Name | How will this structure allow the team to be more effective? | Team Leader | Stacie Powell | Set-ups up conference calls, keeps group organized | Handbook Compiler | Ninfa Crews | Organizes the entire paper to ensure fluidity | Notetaker | Sabrina McCane | Keeps team informed of what was discussed and decided upon during meetings | Timekeeper | Tina Long | Updates and reminds team of deadlines to ensure that everyone is staying on track for the goals | Reviewer | Roberto N | Ensure that each section is written properly and grammatical correct | Facilitator | Raeline Berry | Makes sure we have the information needed, will bethe point of contact if we need to have someone get in contact with the course mentors. | 2. Identify at least three team goals. 1. Pass the task on first submission 2. Work effectively as a team. 3. Timely completion of team goals and due dates as well as course deadlines. 3. Review and discuss weekly assignments and deadlines outlined below. Week | Weekly Assignments | Date Due | One | 1. Complete...
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...SAT2 Leadership Task 2C Evaluation of Team Performance The following report will describe the team’s goals, specific motivation strategies, influence strategies, communication plan, conflict resolution strategies and over all possible improvements. Each area will be evaluated as to effectiveness in regards to the Leadership Handbook development. The team’s goals were: • Successful completion of Task 2. o The team will create and publish a leadership handbook that meets all requirements outlined for SAT Task 2. • Adhere to set deadlines. o All individual work will be submitted to the team by Friday at 11:59 p.m. to allow the reviewer and publisher time to finalize before the Sunday due date. • Effective and efficient team communication. o All team members will check email daily for updates on the project and are expected to communicate to other members in regards to feedback, progress, and/or any potential issues at least once a week. These goals were achieved by a six step processes. 1. Write it down and look at it. The team contract and goals were developed. 2. Tell People. The contract was communicated by email to all. 3. Break it up. The tasks were broken up into weekly assignments. 4. Set Dates. Due dates were set. 5. Be Realistic. The due dates were adjusted. 6. Buy in. The team bought into the goals and completed the process on time and on target. The motivation strategies that the team agreed to use was coaching and recognition. Coaching was...
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...Running head: LEADERSHIP STYLES 1 Leadership Styles Student Name LET1 (Task 2) WGU August 21, 2013 Course Mentor Name LEADERSHIP STYLES 2 Abstract Leadership is a series of actions by which an individual inspires others to achieve a task and leads the corporation to make it more coherent and cohesive. Leadership means the willingness and ability to lead and influence others. A leader can be the CEO of a corporation, or a leader who leads his or her team to success behind the scenes. The ability to lead effectively is based on a number of key skills (Xaxx, n.d.). Three styles of leadership will be discussed, identified, and evaluated to understand these styles better and to decide which style would best replace a retiring CEO of a corporation. LEADERSHIP STYLES 3 Leadership Styles Leadership styles have substantial effects on the corporate world. These styles can affect every person from higher management to the most recent employee. They generate the culture of a corporation that can influence the corporation’s operations. The culture of a corporation is normally an effect of the leaders’ personalities. Corporations need to be aware of the type of leadership they are presenting if they desire to manage the types of activity and communication they produce in their corporations. Leadership styles have strong influences on corporate culture because employees seem to mirror their leaders in their actions. The expression "the way we do things"...
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...SAT2 Leadership - Team Evaluation 1.Identify your team’s goals. Creating a leadership; handbook was a very large and detail oriented undertaking. To complete the task at hand our team needed to be very organized and stick to a very strict plan. Our first step was to clearly define the goals for our team and delegate roles for each member. We identified the following four goals that we would accomplish by the end of our project: 1. To evaluate how essential teamwork is to be effective in successfully completing a task. 2. To apply the process of team development throughout this task and decide as a team on the best recommended means of communication to utilize and the best decision-making technique to practice. 3. To utilize techniques on conflict resolution, influence strategies and motivation strategies within the team when the need arises. 4. To create a comprehensive leadership handbook as a team. a. Discuss how your team achieved or did not achieve its goals. Our team worked together to assure that all goals that we set out were in the end accomplished. The first, and most important task at hand was to create a leadership handbook, which we completed within 2 short weeks. The bi-products of working together to accomplish this feat, were the other goals mentioned. From the first meeting we constantly worked to apply the process of team development throughout the task. We decided early on via a general consensus how we would communicate and...
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...Competency Models: A Review of the Literature and The Role of the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) Pilots and Demonstration Team Division of Research and Evaluation Office of Policy Development and Research Employment and Training Administration U. S. Department of Labor January 29, 2008 Michelle R. Ennis Acknowledgements The author would like to thank Heidi M. Casta, Division Director, Research and Evaluation, and Jonathan Simonetta, Team Leader, Pilots and Demonstrations, for their thoughtful review of early versions of this paper and helpful feedback. 3 Competency Models: A Review of the Literature and The Role of the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) For over 30 years, business and industry has utilized competency models to select employees. The trend to use competency-based approaches in education and training, assessment, and development of workers has experienced a more recent emergence. With the mobility of the workforce and retirement of the baby boomers, competency models are being used for succession planning as well. It is within the last few years that the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) has turned its focus on skills acquisition and assessment to the competency model process for determining the needs of business and employers and the requirements of skilled workers. Recently, ETA has been engaged with business, industry, and education/training leaders to develop competency models for targeted industries and broker...
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...Leadership JAT Task 2 Dawn Power WGU E1. Goals Goals are important to the success of a group. Goals are a major factor in motivation. Goals must provide task direction and help to achieve desired results. Goals should give a team something to reach for and align with the team’s mission and strategy. Goals must be specific and challenging and not general or unrealistic to accomplish. Our team realized the importance of goals in the beginning and that is why we were able to achieve every goal that was set in the initial meeting. The following were our goals that we set for the group: 1. Be prompt for all calls-each team member usually arrived 10-15 minutes early for every call that was scheduled. 2. Respect for each other’s time by communicating to the team leader if unable to participate in the calls-each member of the team made every call that was scheduled. 3. Everyone was expected to participate in the calls-every member of the team actively participated in the calls providing feedback when needed. E2. Motivation Strategies Motivating a team can be more challenging than motivating one person because each person within the team has different personalities, values, beliefs and goals. If a team can capitalize on each team member’s positive traits that they bring to the group, it will enable the team to be motivated and achieve more. Every team needs some form of motivation to accomplish its goals. Our team effectively established motivation...
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...C156 Advanced Information Management– Task 1 A2. Analysis of Technology Two organizations migrating to a common health information system would need a system that meets current regulatory requirements, meets the needs of the combined organization and their practice environment. The implementation of a common health information system would require an interdisciplinary group of forward thinking innovators, and an interoperable electronic medical record system that includes standard nursing terminology. The technology needed in this scenario that would make this combination successful consist of network security measures to ensure security of protected health information under the federal requirements of HIPPA and HITECH. The use of emerging technology such as cellphones, tablets and remote technology should also be included in the discussions of creating a telehealth system that would accommodate both of the combining organizations. Telehealth not only includes communication between patients and healthcare providers, but also communication between healthcare providers in both of the combining organizations. Video conferencing can save healthcare providers time and money by allowing them to collaborate with one another without being physically near one another. A3. Identification of Team The interdisciplinary team on the project committee will consist of four team members. Team member A would be the project team lead in which I would nominate myself...
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