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What Hunches Or Ideas Do You Have About Faith's Case

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4. Now that Faith decided to return to her marriage, what are your responsibilities as her practitioner? Examine the code of professional ethics to determine your approach, assuming that you can do anything at all.

It states in the reading that many women who are victims of domestic violence return back home, despite the efforts of the practitioner. Although, we might not be able to understand why women like Faith return back to their abusers we have to meet our clients where they at. The system has failed her and the only way she can protect her children is by returning home to Bob. Faith has been powerless in her abusive relationship as well as with the legal system. She is taking the situation in to her own hands, which means she is taking charge of her own …show more content…
What hunches or ideas do you have about Faith’s case? If you met her, what direction would you pursue to help her situation?

I’m actually really disappointed in the social worker and the police. I can’t believe that nobody is taking Faith serious. For some reason, I believed that especially if a woman has been to the hospital on numerous occasions that the first look would be at the husband. For the social worker to disregard the sexual abuse is mind blowing. I believe that any suspicion of sexual child abuse should be taking seriously and investigated.
If I would have met Faith I believe I would have tried like the social worker in the article to look into groups that focus on oppression and discrimination. I’m not sure, but I feel like I couldn’t just stay quiet. Isn’t our job as a social worker to be the voice for the voiceless? But how can I be someone’s voice if I don’t speak up or do anything possible to get all the resources to help my client. I know that the social worker was bound to the rules of the shelter, but even then, maybe she could’ve reached out to a colleague who has experience in cases like that.

6. What specific plans would implement to help Faith overcome her abusive

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