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What Is The Daven Persuasive Essay

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I have lost a sense of time, but I believe it has been three days since the last time I have had anything to eat. My stomach aches, my head pounds, but I am not scared. The dungeons are dark and cold. There is a crisp stench of rotten flesh. I know it is illogical to have hope of surviving. Everyone in Riverwood knows what happens to people who are sent to the dungeons of Draven. I knew I should've fled Riverwood the day my brother, Gavin, gained power. His ways have turned wicked and monstrous, and I should not of taken them any longer. He is sick in the mind, manipulated and directed by Randor. Randor is someone or something I never want to speak of again. His eyes are as red as blood, his body moves like a ghost, and I can see the evil within him. Randor knew exactly how much power my father …show more content…
My brother, after the accident, has allowed himself to become a doll, a puppet, to Randor. I was idiotic to not see this coming. My father had not been aware of Randors evil teaching like I had known. My father’s unawareness and ignorance of not believing me about this demonic creature Randor was later his downfall. Randors true intentions were to rise into power through Gavin, and this is what has lead me to where I am now. I was the only one who defied Randor and nearly exposed his true objective. My actions were rash and I didn’t consider the consequences.
I remember the night my father died vividly. He collapsed at the great ball; within hours he was gone. No disease was the cause of this. There was no explanation for the instant passing of my father. I was in awe and I could not comprehend the situation at hand. That was until the night I saw him, the one who controls my brother, the one who seeks power, and the one who made my life a catastrophe. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught

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