2012 Spring Prof. Se-Hak Chun
I. Lecturer Lecturer: Prof. Chun, 02-970-6487, shchun@snut.ac.kr, Suyeon Building #36 Room # 113
II. Course Description
Information systems (IS) are the most critical infrastructures of modern organizations. In any organization you work, you will be touched by IS and related technologies as developer, user or manager. Your ability to understand and use the right technology tools to solve business problems is an important prerequisite depth introduction to the information technologies (IT) and systems (IS) used to for successful performance in your workplace. This course serves as a student's first in-support business activities. In the course, students will learn how such systems work and are put together, the purposes to which they can be applied, and the capabilities of the most commonly used tools such as databases, decision and group support systems, networks, and enterprise and communication software. Also this course covers the context of a digital economy which includes opportunities and issues such as E-commerce, the Internet and World Wide Web, digital information goods, security and privacy threats and safeguards, and ethical challenges. Students will learn a basic understanding of how IS can be applied to solve business problems.
III. Textbooks I. Laudon & Laudon, Management Information Systems, 2012,12th ed. II. Reading Materials
IV. Course Evaluation • Midterm Exam: 30% • Course Project and Presentation/ Homework/Quiz: 30% • Final Exam: 30% • Attendance: 10%
V. Lecture Schedule
|Weeks |Contents |Quiz&HW |Remarks |
|Week 1 |λ Introduction |Presentation |Video