...I did not complete in class. It was a Friday afternoon, I was in my English class when the classrooms phone began to ring. As I was completing my work, the teacher called my name saying,”Chenelle pack your things you're going home.” When i was walking out the room I started to remember that it was my dad’s birthday. As I approached the front office, my father did not look so happy, then he said, “Look at your report card and tell me what you see. “Before I could get a word out i was grounded just like that. A few days had gone by and my weekend was dead. The night before school I called my friends to set up a meeting at lunch. It was 12:45pm that is the time for lunch. My friends and I were walking to the table that we sit at every day .They knew that something was wrong with me because I did not talk or eat my food. As lunch was about to be over I had spoken like a ghost coming out of nowhere I said,” I have something very important to tell you and if you don’t like it than we can no longer be friends.” All of them gathered around me like a pack of dogs eating food. I said, “The grades that I have now is not acceptable, so in that case I will not be going out to the movies or the mall any time soon, so I’m saying this in a nice way if you cannot support in my decisions than are friendship is over.” From that day on I realized that I had amazing friends that have my back and they will support me in...
Words: 344 - Pages: 2
... Rebuttal Article: “Hidden Messages in Water” Dr. Masaru Emoto is very well-known of his experimentation about water crystal formation. He claims that external environment and human consciousness affect the molecular structure of water as shown in crystal formation. According to him, “We start out life being 99% water, as fetuses. When we are born, we are 90% water, and by the time we reach adulthood we are down to 70%. If we die of old age, we will probably be about 50% water. In other words, throughout our lives we exist mostly as water. From a physical perspective, humans are water. When I realized this and started to look at the world from this perspective, I began to see things in a whole new way.” (Emoto 2004) Studies behind Hidden Messages in Water Dr. Masaru Emoto started his studies of molecular structure of water by freezing and looking at the crystal. He used different kind of water: tap, natural and distilled. He exposed distilled water to classical music and metal music. He claimed, “All the classical music that we exposed the water to resulted in well-formed...
Words: 941 - Pages: 4
...We all perceive freedom in our own way and some twist and turn what true freedom is. In anthem we see that there society has close to no freedom and is one of an oppressing world. In the book we see that only after equality leaves the city does he obtain real freedom. In the book anthem Ayn Rand uses a future from which their is no freedom, near to no happiness and not a good feeling of people getting along. In the time period that takes place thousands of years in the future the world has hit a reset where their main source of light comes from candles and torches. Equality will be the only one to get out and ever obtain what the rest of them don't have. In chapter 8 when equality laughs when he remembers he is the “the darned” (I do not wish to swear even when I write), but we end up to seeing that he is free is bound by no man to be told what to do. Equality knows truly of happiness and truth because of what his society did to him and showed him....
Words: 748 - Pages: 3
...What we can learn 1. We should look at teams and leagues that have been successful and analyze why, and look to emulate their business models. 2. If you see something that is promising and you find someone with enough mone to finance it, it is possible to see rapid growth 3. Stadiums are one of the largest expenses for teams and the IPL has elected to pla at existing stadiums thus saving huge costs financially 4. Found stability in fincnace with a steady revenue stream What we can learn 1. We should look at teams and leagues that have been successful and analyze why, and look to emulate their business models. 2. If you see something that is promising and you find someone with enough mone to finance it, it is possible to see rapid growth 3. Stadiums are one of the largest expenses for teams and the IPL has elected to pla at existing stadiums thus saving huge costs financially 4. Found stability in fincnace with a steady revenue stream What we can learn 1. We should look at teams and leagues that have been successful and analyze why, and look to emulate their business models. 2. If you see something that is promising and you find someone with enough mone to finance it, it is possible to see rapid growth 3. Stadiums are one of the largest expenses for teams and the IPL has elected to pla at existing stadiums thus saving huge costs financially 4. Found stability in fincnace with a steady revenue stream What we can learn 1. We should look at teams and leagues...
Words: 602 - Pages: 3
...In Romans 7:7-25 we see Paul’s conviction of the law and learning how to live a sanctified life where he claims that the law is not evil but it is present to show sins existence in our life. Outline: I. Introduction II. Context: A. Historical cultural context of Paul B. Literary context of Romans 7:7-25 II. Content: A. Is the law sin? 7-12 B. Is the law the cause of death? 13-14 C. How to deal with the inner struggle? 14-24 D. Who will set me free? 24-25 I. Application: A. Our understanding of the Law B. What the law then tells us about our lives today C. How to deal with the inner struggle of the law D. A life of sanctification INTRODUCTION: As we look at the passage in Romans 7:7-25 we see a mix of emotions and a struggle that comes within all people who choose to reject sin and choose holiness. In this exegetical paper we will break down this passage into many parts and talk about the historical context of the passage as well as the literary context. After we explain the style of authorship we will talk about the context of the writing and how Paul was feeling when he wrote this text as well as the audience and setting of this passage. We see that Paul is talking about the Law and how it works with holiness. We see that the law is attacked in this passage and so Paul is standing firm on the fact that the Law is as relevant today as it was when it was originally written. We also see that the law is...
Words: 3481 - Pages: 14
...What do all people have in common: children and adults, rich and poor, men and women? Despite the obvious resemblance between us, the answer lies behind the scenes, behind what we all try to forget and to hide with our masks. We are addicted! Every single one of us. We overuse addiction in order to make ourselves feel better when in fact, we all are faking what we are and we are turning into individuals who cannot think for themselves and cannot be what they really are without the help of other things. Even if initially the term addiction was used to define people who used to take drugs or other substances in order to feel better, to be what they wanted to be and to illustrate another universe where they could live their lives the way they wanted, the signification of this word has crossed the border and has turned into a disease we all face at the moment. Although the main forms of addiction are caused by drugs, alcohol, narcotics, cigarettes, we are facing other addictions that we may not be aware of. To begin with, we have to open our eyes and see what the world is really like. Open your eyes wide. What do you see? You see what others make you see. Why? Because the media is controlling and manipulation us and makes us see a different reality. Try to have a conversation with a random person from the street. Wait! You may want to ask for his id messenger or you may want to see the Facebook profile. Give the children a toy. Watch them play. Surprise again! They are throwing...
Words: 1594 - Pages: 7
...structure What we see beneath is how the parts that is coloured in the movie is played. The dots are where the scenes start and stop, and the green numbers above the arrows is scenes. We start at the end of the movie at dot number 2 and then we see scene number 1 which ends at dot number 1. Afterwards we see the first black/white part of the movie. The black/white parts are played in chronological order. After we have seen the first black/white part we jump to dot number three and watch scene number 2 which ends at dot number two. After seeing scene number two we watch the second black/white part. Then we jump to dot number 4 and so on. The real chronological order would be to first see all the black/white scenes in the movie in the order we see in the movie. Afterwards we would see scene 7, then scene 6 and so on until we have seen the last scene, the scene the movie started with. Because of this structure of the movie you need to follow closely or you need to know before you watch the movie how it works or else it can be very confusing. It also demands from the viewer that he/she notices the little things that happens for example when we see Sammy Jenkins at the institution and when someone walks by and suddenly it is Lenny sitting in the chair. As a viewer you also need to know when we deal with flashbacks and when we just jumped one scene back. Through the story we kind of experience how it feels to suffer from short-term memory loss like Lenny. Because we don’t know...
Words: 587 - Pages: 3
...this debate. First knowledge is real. Second what we experience with our senses are real. Both are fixed and unchanging Correct A. Then there is the issue that both cannot be true. P. Correct A. Then disproving these theories is what must be done. P. Correct A. Knowledge is real because we learn from knowledge P. What we experience with our senses must be real because we can see, taste or, feel it. A. For this debate we must pick a form to represent both our sides, a chair will do. P. I agree A. Knowledge from form is what we learn about the usefulness of the chair. P We know what the chair is for because deduction and senses tell us to use the chair for sitting correct. A. Correct P. Then there is no knowledge needed because the form dictates what it is used for. A. The chair is never changing and knowledge of this helps us realize what the form is for P. Agreed A. If this is the case then the need for senses is not valid, because we use the knowledge of sitting to determine that the chair is real. P. I disagree. The only way to know that we use the chair to sit in is by the senses. Look at it this way if we could not see the chair then is it a chair, we have to feel the form to verify it is a chair and we need to sit in it. A. Your point is valid but there is not a need to see the chair, we only need the knowledge that the chair is in the room, from that pint we sit in it. P. Having the knowledge of...
Words: 768 - Pages: 4
...not-so-modern artists, philosophers, and writers. We have all watched, read, or analyzed something that was based off of the idea of someone before us. One example for this would be the movie Inception (2010), directed by Christopher Nolan. In this movie the depiction between the idea of a dream and reality is extremely contrasted to the point where it is difficult to draw the line between what is or is not real. The mind boggling adventure of this movie makes us wonder; did the director draw this idea from thin air? The answer is no. In fact, the animated film Paprika (2007), directed by Satoshi Kon directly resembles the ideas and concepts of Inception. This is because Paprika served as a basis for Christopher Nolan in his movie Inception. Movies, concepts, and ideas are always being interpreted or rephrased in different forms. Aside from these two movies, there are other works that are very similar by concept. Two pieces of work that will be discussed further in detail are, the philosophical work, Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave” and Lana Wachowski’s movie, The Matrix. Plato’s “The Allegory of the Cave walks the readers through a dialogue between a character named Glaucon and Plato’s former teacher, Socrates. They discuss the predisposed beliefs of humans and how those beliefs cause them to create a false reality in which they live. Plato claims that our perceptions are not true, they only reflect what really is. He also claims that if we were to see the Truth, it would be extremely difficult...
Words: 1874 - Pages: 8
...First of all, memory is gathered by experience. This experience is what leads to the development of our minds. Using our memory from the past, we now see things for what we are and not as they are. For instance, I remember when I was a child that my sister would stay quiet when she is having a bad day or when she is in a bad mood, I use that memory and relate it to the future events in a sense that whenever I see someone being quiet, I see them as if they are in a bad mood. This is because we, as human tend to classify and isolate certain ideas to our liking since we are wired to do what comforts us the most, we are likely to understand only what we expect or want to see or hear and neglects any other possible details that are not familiar to us. From another’s perspective that quiet person could simply just be a quiet person without any reason at all. Since we cannot change the world around us, we change what we believe the world to be to fit our own standards and our own beliefs and defend these through the use of our memory from the past. When I was on my holidays, my whole family went to the United States to spend our Christmas and New Years. One night, we all wanted Indonesian food, so my...
Words: 725 - Pages: 3
...Social Media Media gives people the opportunity to connect with other people around the world, do research, see what’s trending, and advertisement. Media changes our ways of how we see products, trends, and people and they can make us change our minds about how we think about these things. Also, depending on what you see people post on the media can change the way you see them or change your attitude towards that certain person. The media will always try sending us messages about things that might catch our attention and how we should see things. They seem to know what stuff we’re watching most of the time on the media. Companies will sends us advertisements on products we might like so we can buy them. We have a large world of networks like Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat. That is only a few there are way more out there. In the article “Implications of User Choice: Myspace or Facebook?” by Danah Boyd she states that “As we become more enveloped in and by technology, it’s easy to feel excited about what’s going on. Yet we must also be cautious.” Which is true because as we become more hooked on technology. For example, when using networks we just want to be online to see what’s going on and don’t want to miss anything but we must be cautious at a point. Many people seemed to be on Myspace before knowing about Facebook. Everyone was on Myspace and Facebook was for networking adults and a few Ivy League college students. Then suddenly everyone almost everyone...
Words: 1458 - Pages: 6
...of truths or generalizations about human existence; also: an instance (as in a story or painting) of such expression” (Merriam-Webster). Plato’s works were written before the birth of Christ. Yet it is just as relevant today as it bears witness to the complexity of human life and sheds light on the human condition—certainly a timeless topic for exploration. Plato’s writing depicts how we, as human beings, view, understand, and experience life and the things around us in our own unique way, and how we all struggle to make the right choices for ourselves, as it’s often easier to take the path of least resistance. When we see the sun, do we all see the same sun or see the same color? When we dream, do we all experience the same dream and give it the same meaning? These thoughts and feelings require us to look at our existence in a metacognitive way. As the story begins, there are prisoners living in a cave, bound by chains, and surrounded by fire. They can only see what is right in front of them. There is an opening in the front of cave that allows the light in. The prisoners can choose to see the light outside and yearn to be out of the cave, although most of them believe it is easier to ignore the light than to acknowledge its existence. Those who choose to look at the light or even break free from their chains have to endure immense pain and hardship before they feel free. Plato states: “At first, when any of them is liberated and compelled suddenly to stand up and turn his...
Words: 1029 - Pages: 5
...they are overwhelmed by homework, they can send a note home saying that they have tried but they can’t figure it out.” So my question is are students getting too much homework? The first reason is that they just want to see what we know and if we need to stay on that subject. Second reason is that they don’t give us too much homework because the only reason to come to school is to get homework and learn. Third is that they give us the homework to see if we know how to do it by ourself and to see if we were paying attention in class. Most students and parents think we get too much homework but they don’t see how important it is to get it because they just want us to get what we are learning. They are just checking on how well we are getting the subject and to see if we can move on to something different....
Words: 670 - Pages: 3
..."We Can't Stop" It's our party we can do what we want (no drama) It's our party we can say what we want (Mike will made) It's our party we can love who we want We can kiss who we want We can sing what we want It's our party we can do what we want It's our party we can say what we want It's our party we can love who we want We can kiss who we want We can sing what we want Red cups and sweaty bodies everywhere Hands in the air like we don't care 'Cause we came to have so much fun now Bet somebody here might get some now If you're not ready to go home Can I get a "Hell, no!"? (Hell no) 'Cause we're gonna go all night 'Til we see the sunlight, alright So la da di da di We like to party Dancing with Molly Doing whatever we want This is our house This is our rules And we can't stop And we won't stop Can't you see it's we who own the night? Can't you see it's we who 'bout that life? And we can't stop And we won't stop We run things, things don't run we Don't take nothing from nobody Yeah, yeah It's our party we can do what we want It's our party we can say what we want It's our party we can love who we want We can kiss who we want We can sing what we want To my home girls here with the big butt Shaking it like we at a strip club Remember only God can judge ya Forget the haters 'cause somebody loves ya And everyone in line in the bathroom Trying to get a line in the bathroom We all so turned up here Getting turned up, yeah...
Words: 522 - Pages: 3
..."We Can't Stop" It's our party we can do what we want (no drama) It's our party we can say what we want (Mike will made) It's our party we can love who we want We can kiss who we want We can sing what we want It's our party we can do what we want It's our party we can say what we want It's our party we can love who we want We can kiss who we want We can sing what we want Red cups and sweaty bodies everywhere Hands in the air like we don't care 'Cause we came to have so much fun now Bet somebody here might get some now If you're not ready to go home Can I get a "Hell, no!"? (Hell no) 'Cause we're gonna go all night 'Til we see the sunlight, alright So la da di da di We like to party Dancing with Molly Doing whatever we want This is our house This is our rules And we can't stop And we won't stop Can't you see it's we who own the night? Can't you see it's we who 'bout that life? And we can't stop And we won't stop We run things, things don't run we Don't take nothing from nobody Yeah, yeah It's our party we can do what we want It's our party we can say what we want It's our party we can love who we want We can kiss who we want We can sing what we want To my home girls here with the big butt Shaking it like we at a strip club Remember only God can judge ya Forget the haters 'cause somebody loves ya And everyone in line in the bathroom Trying to get a line in the bathroom We all so turned up here Getting turned up, yeah...
Words: 522 - Pages: 3