...America´s gift to my generation is is three blessing and bredens. The blessings we have are the first world quality, freedom, and rights.And now on to the bredens, the college debt, pulling out of the paris accord,almost making world war three,the election,the immigration laws, and taking way health care. America is a great country. We are First world,have technology,and where we are free and equal.But we have many simple mistakes and i will go over the three blessings and the six bredens. I will go over Trump’s election,Trump pulling out of the paris accord,college loans,health care,and almost starting world war three along with some other bad things we could've dodged if we just vote for Hillary Clinton. A gift America has given my generation...
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...America’s Gift To My Generation What is America’s gift? America’s gift to my generation is the freedom of speech, freedom, love, liberty, and Education. The key thing America offers us is freedom, freedom to speak, write, learn, and think. The America I know has freedom even though the couples of wars and disagreements. America fought for our freedom and our rights, America itself to me is like a small seed in fertile soil full of potential. When we have wars and disagreements the planet loses its sun to grow, but with work and effort the plant will grow into something even more beautiful than the stars itself in the universe. The civil war tore this country apart for four years; with Smith's surrender, the last Confederate army ceased to...
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...America’s Gift To My Generation People compare us to other places and think “Well they have it all, huh,They have it so much more than they do.”. While yes that is true in some ways, but we had to work to earn what we have. We go to war and go through many troubles to get what we have.One thing we have is freedom.Yes there is a lot of ways we have freedom, but one of them is our right to choose what we want and like.We have the choice to choose who we like and dislike too.Freedom is America’s gift to my generation because we have the choice to like whatever gender we like and be who we want. One way of freedom we have is to be able to choose what gender we like.In America it’s ok to be gay.Yes this is fairly new but it is still our choice.We...
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...If you ask me what America’s Gift to my generation is, I probably would not be able to answer immediately. Then, I think about my safe place, the only place I can look without worrying about what is going to happen next. If I look up at the sky every time I feel afraid and unimportant, and see the same predictable baby blue sky every single time, chances are I will get tired of looking at it. People thirst for something unpredictable and stunning each and every day, and I am delighted to see that the sky grows more intricate and gorgeous each and every day. Of course, America did not give me the sky, but they do help to protect our gorgeous atmosphere. The Army, Navy, Marines, Coast guard, and Airforce are here to protect us. Each...
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...America’s Gift To My Generation Freedom, creativity, independence, and beauty. America has them all, and many other qualities that make it different, or unique compared to the other countries, making it a great gift to my generation. Two of the many reasons America is unique compared to other countries are the free market and the national parks. The free market is one quality that makes America unique. First of all, the competitiveness of our market results in the creation of highly efficient businesses. These businesses deliver necessary products and services to us in ways that cannot be achieved under a centralized government. Second, this free market, though has a negative side that I think is important,...
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...2 boys and 3 girls. Social-cultural Characteristics of Group (type of community, ethnicity, types of employment, economic level, community size): All of these teens are from rural Wyoming. All middle class. 3 White and 2 Hispanic. Spiritual Maturity Level of Students: All have been attending church regularly for years and would be considered spiritually mature for their age group. 3. Specific Group Characteristics Interests: Horseback riding, 4H shooting sports, Abilities: Animal care and gardening. Lesson plan Target group – Teen Sunday school class Passage – Ephesians 4:11-16 Cross-references – Matt. 28:16-20, 1 Corinthians 14:12 Exegetical Idea – God gives special gifts to each of person, so that individual Christians may come together and work as a group in order to strengthen the Church and carry out the Great Commission. Pedagogical Idea – In the Great Commission, Jesus commands His Church to take on the enormous responsibility of teaching all nations about the Salvation of Jesus...
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...Allan Ritch CHMN 201-D01 LUO March 31, 2014 Spiritual Gifts Paper PART ONE: What are your top two spiritual gifts? Do you agree with the results? Why or why not? My two dominate spiritual gifts as determined by taking the “Spiritual Gifts Analysis” on www.churchgrowth.org are (1) Administration and (2) Exhortation. I completely agree with this assessment. Having been in the administration field most of my adult life, in one capacity or another, I see that this gift has had an influence upon me. I am definitely a take-charge type of person when it comes to something that I am enthusiastic and passionate. The analyses pointed out that people with this gift tend to count on others to take care of the small details and are gifted delegator. I am definitely that type of person in most situations. I do not like to micro-manage others or be micro-managed. I tend to take on many tasks myself just so I can control the outcome and results. I tend to lack patience at times when a detailed explanation is required and expect that others already know how and what the goals are. The gift exhortation is a direct complement to administration. While administration directs and organizes, exhortation teaches, counsels, and encourages. I have not always seen this gift within my character, although as I look back I can see that this gift has been in the development stage for quite some time. The analysis advises against interrupting people and allowing pride to be the primary motivator...
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...Reading Guide, Mauss, The Gift Anthropology 125A/Econ 152A Economic Anthropology Reading Guide for Mauss, The Gift NOTE: use this guide to the extent that you find it helpful. You will hopefully have already read through the reading once. The guide is long because I often include quotations from the book. You can use this to reexamine points that I think important. I ask many questions. I do not expect you to be able to answer them. Ponder over the quotations and questions for a second. That pondering, even for a second, will help you focus better on sections in the coming week as we figure out the answers together. ------------------------ Consider this quote. Don’t worry if you don’t know everything he is referring to. Be sure to think about the sentence in bold: Note: “Utilitarianism” in Mauss refers to “liberalism,” (or economics as you are taught it and ‘market society’ as we have studied it in this course: focused on the individual as homo economicus, who puts individual self-interest first, and in where society is organize through and via the free market) “{In The Gift] Mauss summarily eliminates the two utilitarian ideologies that purport to account for the evolution of contracts: “natural economy,” Smith’s idea that individual barter was aboriginal; and the notion that primitive communities were altruistic, giving way eventually to our own regrettably selfish, but more efficient individualism. Against the contemporary move [i.e. at the time that...
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...Abby Merschman 8th Grade The Gift of Wisdom The gift of wisdom is what you would call a revelation gift. You have to receive this gift from God. The gift of wisdom comes from the Holy Spirit. Meaning, it is part of the Holy Spirit. I don’t think that you can earn these type of gifts by studying and learning, God grants this gift to you, but you can also ask. The gift of wisdom is sort of like the gift of knowledge, but different because knowledge is understanding a situation, circumstance, or even a plan from God. Wisdom is different; it is a gift from God, not a plan or circumstance of knowing something. Both are revelation gifts. I think wisdom is having a sense of direction, and being led by the Holy Spirit. When being led by the Holy Spirit, God gives you the wisdom to follow and learn. Would you accept this gift from God? Wisdom is one of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. It is available to all Christians, not just Catholics. Wisdom can also teach us to love our world. You must ask for this gift of wisdom. My confirmation definition for wisdom is: Wisdom helps us to see and understand god’s plan in our lives and in the world around us. Wisdom can be very helpful in our world because it can lead you to the right decisions and understand what God wants you to do with your life. I am not sure what I want to do with my life, but maybe if I ask God, then he will give me the gift of wisdom and I’ll know. Sources: Christ Centered...
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...Research Paper Of “A Select Issue in Contemporary Theology: Charismatic Theology." THEO 510-C03 LUO (Fall 2012) Survey of Christian Doctrine Dr. Eunice Abogunrin, Professor Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary Carol H. Montgomery (ID# 24993689) November 11, 2012 CONTENTS COVER PAGE 1 CONTENTS 2 THESIS 3 INTRODUCTION 3 CHARSMATIC GIFTS DEBATE 3-12 CONCLUSION 12 BIBLIOGRAPHY 13 INTRODUCTION This research paper will show that biblical referred to as glossolalia; the ability to “speak in tongues” is fiercely debated. While the Bible gives clear examples of genuine glossolalia, which will be examined later, the modern debate centers around the need or not, nature, importance, and usage of “tongues” today. Lastly, this paper will examine the biblical accounts of glossolalia along with more occurrences that are contemporary to determine whether modern episodes of “tongues” are needed or not needed. Out of all the gifts, the one that Paul speaks of the most controversial is the gift of tongues. "Glossolalia" is the most commonly accepted term for "speaking in tongues." It comes from the Greek words meaning "tongues" or "languages," and "to speak." Although not exclusively, "speaking in tongues" is primarily practiced by Pentecostal Christians. Glossolalia is the "prayer language" of Pentecostal churches. Some Christians who speak in tongues believe they are speaking in an existing language. Most believe they are uttering a heavenly...
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...This week I wrote a lesson for teaching or preaching on the gifts of the Holy Spirit. My lesson is intended to bring clarification to the misunderstanding of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Helpful feedback I received this week: To trust God in the path of my calling. This is what I did this week on my ministry project: This lesson is about the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit. These gifts are the gifts of wisdom, knowledge, faith, gifts of healing, miraculous powers, prophecy, distinguishing between spirits, speaking in different kinds of tongues, and interpretation of tongues. At times confusion circulates from the distinction between spiritual gifts and the fruit of the spirit. There seems to be a burden in the church setting...
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...The Gifts of the Holy Spirit Foundational Truth Volume 8 By Peter Tan © Copyright 2008 by Peter Tan Evangelism. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher The pdf copy of this book is A$10. It has been provided free for those who can’t afford it in order that they may be blessed and grow spiritually. Please feel free to donate whatever amounts you can afford towards the upkeep of our ministry. Donations can be made via paypal to elshaddai1@bigpond.com. Please contact us for any other form of donations: Peter Tan Evangelism PO Box 27 Belconnen ACT 2616, Australia. Tel: +614 17755613 Email: elshaddai1@bigpond.com We are still in the process of paper publishing of this book. If you are interested in the translation and publishing of this book, please write to Ps Peter Tan at the above PO address. © Copyright 2008 Peter Tan Evangelism. All rights reserved. 2 PREFACE In this book we seek to focus on the practical aspects of operating the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Definitions and explanations are given on each gift but we also explain the ‘how’ of each operation. Christians need to understand what type of gifts they are receiving before they can operate in them. The gifts of the Holy Spirit are not manifesting much in some places because of...
Words: 9751 - Pages: 40
...7. A trust created during the lifetime of the individual is a living trust while a trust created at the death of the individual is a testamentary trust. 8. Is a trust subject to federal income tax? Yes and if so what tax form would be filed? Trust and Estate Tax Return. 9. If an individual wanted to control his or hers assets after they died they would have established through their living trust a will. 10. This type of trust declaration would allow the individual to avoid probate but would still be subject to taxation by federal estate tax . 11. A gift qualifying for the annual exclusion must be $14000 or less and be a present interest gift. 12. The person making the gift is the donor and the person receiving the gift is the donee. 13. If an individual makes a taxable gift they must file a tax report on money above the annual gift exclusion. 14. Donor makes 11 cash gifts qualifying for the annual exclusion but make 1 taxable gift the donor must subtract the taxable gift from his/her lifetime inclusion and report the taxable gift. 15. The donor has a cost basis of $25 and has owned the stock since 4/15/13 on the date of the gift fair market value is $40 per share. * What value would be used for gift tax purposes?...
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...Holiday Gift Card Analysis | | | | Gift cards are becoming a popular alternative to traditional physical gift giving. They offer the gift giver the ability to provide an option that not only satisfies their desire to donate to another person’s wellbeing, but also as a way of providing the recipient with the ability to choose their own gift. Christmas is an especially opportune time to increase the marketing of gift cards by retailers. With the knowledge that many people will be shopping for gifts; there is an abundance of opportunities to market the low-involvement purchase. Retailers use motivated reasoning, such as time and best-fit gifts, to convince consumers that gift cards are the perfect alternative to a traditional gift. Statistics show that gift card purchases are on the rise. Retailers realize that consumer decision processes concerning gift cards can be very beneficial. Many consumers tend to spend more than the actual amount on the card. They also benefit the retailers by being available in a multitude of mediums and locations. Though, there are also many detriments to gift cards. They often are unused and must be accounted for as unearned revenue rather than profits. It seems that gift cards offer the least amount of involvement when compared to other gift options. The approach-avoidance conflict consists of wanting to give a gift, but not wanting to exert the time/energy that is required to obtain it. The felt involvement required to select a gift can be...
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...ETHICS AND COMPLIANCE SCENARIO 3 THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A ‘GIFT’ AND A ‘BRIBE’ Question: (a) Several times a year, office and warehouse personnel are sent “gifts” from vendors. (b) What is the difference between a “gift” and a “bribe”? * * * Answer: (a) The answer to this item is not so ‘clear cut’. While a ‘gift’ may not rise to the level of a kickback, if the ‘gift’ was given with the intent of influencing the Contractor to use the vendor’s services on the federal contract in question - - it would then be illegal. (b) While the words ‘gift’ and ‘bribe’ may seem rather ‘simple’ and obvious to most of us, in business – accepting one or the other (sometimes without even knowing it) - could cost a company millions. The definition of ‘bribe’ and ‘gift’ is as follows: Gift: Something of value given without the expectation of return Bribe: Something of value given with the hope of a future influence or benefit Gifts and bribes can be money or actual items such as tickets to a sporting event, rounds of golf or meals. When a ‘gift’ is given or accepted – regardless of the intention of the gift-giver - it can give the wrong impression and the ‘appearance’ that whatever has transpired is not on the ‘up and up’. In other words, what may have been an innocent gesture – could be interpreted as just the opposite and can blur the lines of integrity, fairness and trust. Depending on whether you do business solely in...
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