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Who Is Alexander Kartveli: Inventor Or Illustrator?

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Words 869
Pages 4
Malchijah Powell
English 4.

A-10 Thunderbolt II

US Marine 1st platoon was pinned down in a forest in Kandahar Province, Afghanistan. There were Taliban forces surrounding them and the rest of their platoon. The Lieutenant called in Danger Close Air Support and what came streaking over? One of the most fearful inventions ever introduced to the US arsenal. The A-10 Thunderbolt II also nicknamed “The Warthog.” Who was the inventor of this fearful weapon? His name is Alexander Kartveli. Alexander was born on September 9, 1896, to a noble Georgian family in Tbilisi, Georgia. He got his first level of education from a grammar school in his hometown. He then took a liking in avionics, he decided to further his education and he went to Highest School of Aviation in Paris, France and he graduated from there in the year of 1922. He then took up a career in the …show more content…
Its highlight being the GAU-8 Avenger 30mm, Gatling Autocannon. The round that it uses is the size of the average male’s forearm, it is a armor piercing, depleted uranium round that sits a little over 1 foot. The round can easily pierce through inches of armor and can tear apart the human tissue. It has a distinctive sound that sounds like a bass-boosted piece of paper getting ripped. It is also packed with the AGM-65 Maverick Air-to-Surface missile, it is a widely used weapon that is commonly found on ground attack vehicles. Another amazing weapon it is usually paired with is the AIM-9 Sidewinder. It is an infamous weapon that has been used in the U.S. arsenal since the year of 1956. It can fly at speeds of over Mach 2.5 and is packed with the most advanced computers available. In many cases it is paired with the illusive Hydra Rocket Pods, the bountiful cluster bombs and other laser guided munitions such as JDAMs and other things. It has truly earned the infamous name of “Tank Buster”. It was like a caged tiger just waiting to be

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