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Who Is Beowulf An Epic Hero

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Joseph Campbell once said, “A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.” Risking one's life is only one of the many traits of the heroic code. Both Beowulf and American soldiers have put their life at risk to help protect the safety of others. The main character, Beowulf, from the story Beowulf has all of these. He is the ideal hero, and is very comparable to our American soldiers. These heroes possess bravery, honor, courage, and strength. One does not outshine the other because they both are performing incredible tasks and putting themselves in danger. The traits that define a hero have not changed since the time of Beowulf to today’s heroes. Beowulf seems to fit into every category of defining a hero. He is strong, loyal, courageous, honorable, generous and the list could go on. All of these traits help define an epic hero. He left his home to seek out danger and help save his neighbors from Grendel. He did this not because he had to, but because of his generosity. He prepared to fight a creature no one before was ever able to defeat. His courage when going out and facing extreme danger made him a hero to the Danes. He not only fought Grendel, but he also fought with the swamp hag and the dragon, and he won both battles. …show more content…
Not only do they constantly put their lives in danger, but they are leaving behind their loved ones to do so. They do this all for the good of this country and to ensure the safety of America. Soldiers going into the Army learn specific values they are to fulfill on and off the job. These values include: loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity, and personal courage. They must fulfill their obligations, respect others, do what is right, and face fear head on. Just as Beowulf did, they go out and help people they do not know. They display every one of the heroic traits when doing so (“The Army

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