...On June 11, 2004, Margaret Thatcher, Great Britain's former Prime Minister, stood before the American people with great sorrow in her delivery of former President Ronald Reagan's eulogy. She explains how great the loss is that everyone has encountered as evidenced by establishing her own credibility, Reagan's sense of humor, and overall the accomplishments he had made throughout his lifetime. Thatcher presents to us Ronald Reagan's great sense of humor and how it affected the people he was around. Introducing us to his joyous lifestyle Thatcher references Arnold Bennett who categorized Reagan as "The great cause of cheering us all up"(Line 12). Thatcher is capturing a very important thing; Ronald Reagan was in fact a President so people may have thought of him as a celebrity. However, this sense of humor coming from him tells us that he was also a normal, fun, cheery person to be around. She wanted the American people to know that Reagan added a sense of flare to his presidency that will be greatly missed. Thatcher also narrates that even in times of distraught and pain Raegan still had his laughter to fall on. In the attempt on his life "His easy jokes gave...
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