...Have you ever wondered who was the real blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet death? In William Shakespeare play Romeo and Juliet there is a struggle that they caused their own deaths, but in my opinion there is one more person. Therefore I think Lord Capulet is to blame for Romeo and Juliet's death because of the way he forced the whole situation of Juliet marrying somebody she didn't love. Lord Capulet told Juliet who she was going to marry which was Paris. "Doth she not count her blest"(813). The quote explains Capulet saying it's a blessing to marry Paris and him only because I picked him out. "Get thee to Church a Thursday"(813). The quote explains how Lord Capulet set the date that Juliet is getting married. That date only and that day and time. "But fettle your fine joints gainst Thursday next to go with Paris to saint peters Church, or I will drag thee on a hurdle thither"(813). The quote explains how if Juliet doesn't go to Saint Peters church on Thursday morning he will drag her there. Lord Capulet also tried to put a guilt trip on Juliet to marry Paris. "I tell thee what get thee to church a Thursday or never after look me in the face. Speak not, reply not, do not answer.(Page 813) The quote is explaining how if Juliet doesn't marry Paris she will never be allowed to talk to him ever again. "Hang thee, young baggage. Disobedient wretch!!" (813). Capulet is calling her awful names in hopes she changes her mind and know her wrong. "Unworthy as she is that I've have...
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...Criminology Who’s to Blame – The individual or the society? When investigating any case it is important to familiarize yourself with as many aspects of the case as possible. In this short excerpt, Professor Humbolt discusses many characteristics of the teenager’s private life and upbringing that could have caused them to commit the crime they did. It has been discovered that someone’s past can affect them. The old saying, “you are a product of your environment” comes into play. The most important explanation given by Humbolt was, “Did they feel forced to behave this way because of peer pressure?” (40) Young teenage boys, especially growing up in the inner city, are exposed to all kinds of things. Gangs and violence are huge. One or two of the boys involved in the accident might have been “peer pressured” or threatened into it. It is extremely important to research the what-ifs and find out if any explanations, although don’t make it okay, are relevant in the situation. The reporter asked Dr. Humbolt, “even if you find out that some of those things are true, isn’t criminology just an exercise in excuse making for criminals?” (40) Although I do not agree with the statement I can understand the assumption. One thing that is important to note is that there are many factors that go into someone committing a crime. Not exploring those such factors leaves gaps in a case. Understanding the criminal will help to better understand the development of the crime. For example, if someone...
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...Robin Turner 0165959 ENG 101 – 12 October 11, 2012 Who’s to Blame? It has become common today that obesity has become a serious problem. In the article “Don’t Blame the Eater”, David Zinczenko argues that fast food companies contribute to obesity. Zinczenko chastises these fast food companies. He sympathizes with the teenagers that put in a lawsuit against the fast food industry because he was a latchkey kid himself due to his parents being divorced and his mother working long hours to foot the bills. Zinczenko gained an enormous amount of weight by the time he was 15 years of age. He turned his life around by joining the Navy Reserves, changing his diet and eventually getting involved with a health magazine. I’m of two minds about Zinzcenko’s claim that Obesity and Diabetes are health problems due to the lack of personal responsibility. On one hand, I agree that everyone is accountable for what goes in and out their mouths, except for babies. Also, life is about choices, either one chooses to pick the good choice or go with the bad choice. It’s all up to that person to make the decision. On the other hand, I’m not sure if personal responsibility can outweigh these top notch fast food restaurants. What is a teenager to do if their parents are working extended hours and is never at home to cook a healthy meal? Is it really logical that teens would pull something out the freezer and make them a homemade meal when McDonalds is on the nearest corner and Taco Bell is not far...
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...shouted the two men. But the boy was silent.”, a strong image in Elie Wiesel’s Night. This image set a scene as to how badly the Jews were being mistreated by the German Nazis. Was it only the Nazis who tormented the Jews or were their more people to blame? All were at fault during the German War Machine: Germans, Jews, and the rest of the world who turned a blind eye and a deaf ear. While everyone put all the blame on the Germans, they weren’t the only ones to blame. In the beginning the Jews had multiple warnings. Their first warning was from Moishe the Beadle, “As for Moishe, he wept and pleaded: “Jews, listen to me! That’s all I ask of you. No money. No pitty. Just listen to me!” he kept shouting in synagogue, between the prayer at dusk and the evening prayer....
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...society believe in the Greek Gods philosophies whether it is behavioural or political. Euripides, the playwright of Medea presents a tale of a revengeful, semi-divine woman who seeks justice upon her ex-husband, Jason, as he betray his oath of promise that hurt her emotionally and her pride. Euripides challenge the male audience’s views on what is right or wrong when it considers committing a crime and the characters motivation to act brutally....
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...Who is to Blame? In Arthur Miller’s play, The Crucible, there are many different characters that could be blamed for the Salem Witch Trials. Abigail Williams is a seventeen year old girl that is in love with an older married man. In her hunt to have him as her own, she leads her group of friends to accuse his wife and many others of witchcraft. It is most clearly demonstrated that it was Abigail William’s flaws – envy, dishonesty, and lust – that led her to be most responsible for the tragedy of the witch-hunt in Salem. Throughout The Crucible Abigail is envious of Elizabeth Proctor, and tries to get rid of her. One example is, ‘Oh, I marvel how such a strong man let such a sickly wife be’ (Miller 470). Abigail is commenting on Elizabeth’s health. She does not understand why John would rather have a sick wife than her. She is jealous that he chose His wife over her. Then she commented, ‘You loved me John Proctor, and whatever sin it is you love me yet,’ (Miller 471). This shows that Abigail thinks John loves her, and she is trying to convince him to be with her again. Abigail’s envy of Elizabeth drives her to get many people killed. In the play, Abigail is dishonest, pretending that there are actually witches. She does this in order to prosecute Elizabeth proctor. She...
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...Elizabeth Proctor and I “ I surely do. There be no mark of blame upon my life, Mr. Hale. I am a covenanted Christian woman.” This quote is said by Elizabeth Proctor who I believe mostly relates to me. After learning about her, I’ve learned that we shared a lot of the same characteristics. In the Crucible, Elizabeth plays a nice Christian woman who is married to John Proctor. She is accused of witchcraft but does not confess because of her beliefs. After reading the Crucible I am most like Elizabeth Proctor because I am religious, loyal, and forgiving. Being religious is a characteristic that I found Elizabeth and I had in common. One way Elizabeth shows her religious side in the Crucible is when she told John in Act lV that if he lies and confesses to witchcraft he will sin. Although she knows it will save his life, she didn’t want him to sin. I am religious because my family and I go to church every Sunday....
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...Have you ever wondered when was the titanic made and when did the disaster happened? Well the titanic was done in April 10, 1912 but was being made on May 31, 1911 and on April 15, 1912 the titanic was made.8 people died while making the titanic.The largest passenger steamship ever built, Titanic created quite a stir when it departed for its maiden voyage from “Southampton, England, on April 10, 1912”. “After stops in Cherbourg, France, and Queenstown (now known as Cobh), Ireland, the ship set sail for New york with 2,240 passengers and crew”. The voyage was suppose to be 7 days long but instead it was 4 days because of the sinking.The night of the 4th day was when the Titanic sank.During the voyage they were really fancy most people on the boat were rich and others were just on there for the job not because they paid to go on.Some funs things they did on the titanic first class passengers could go to the ship's “swimming pool, gymnasium, squash racquet court and Turkish baths”. For passengers that were 1st class and wasn’t really into this stuff they could go to , the ship’s “orchestra played background music and performed in various public rooms during the day”....
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..."The Crucible, " is related to today through the streotypes of Muslims being blamed of terrorism. Muslims are being blamed of being terrorists eventhough they are innocent, similarily to characters of, " The Crucible," when people started blaming others of witchcraft either of tragedies that occured to them coincidently or a calamity. Muslims are the main targets being blamed of the disasters in the United States since of the situation in 9/11 and on ISIS, and in " The Crucible," Rebecca Nurse is being blamed because of th tragedy she had of losing her kids- that apparently she killed. In both of the situations someone is being blamed because coincidently the tragedy was caused by a specific race or natural cause. Eventhough not...
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...Captain smith was responsible for the sinking of the Titanic because he was ultimately responsible for every single person on the ship. Despite some people saying that Ismay was responsible for the sinking of the Titanic because he didn’t give all of the iceberg warnings to the captain and he was the captains boss. I still believe that Smith was ultimately responsible for the sinking of the Titanic because he dismissed seven iceberg warnings, he was also caught drinking hours before the ship crashed, and he attended a party even though he got iceberg warnings. Two eyewitnesses say that they both saw captain smith drinking hours before the ship crashed. the captain is supposed to be at the wheel and not out drinking with his friends. Captain...
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...Many people's decisions are often brought upon by others. Sometimes a person’s influence is so strong that even the person making the decision can’t make up their mind. For example in the story Macbeth by William Shakespeare, the main character Macbeth, is highly influenced by three Witches and his wife to do terrible and unforgettable deeds. Therefore the three Witches, Lady Macbeth, and Macbeth all share blame for the mysterious tragedies that are afflicted on various characters. “Double, double toil and and trouble,” the three Witches cackled as they persuaded and foreshadowed Macbeth’s future empire and mistakes. As of this quote this is the first time that the Witches have appeared and told Macbeth about various actions and foreshadowed prophecies. The three Witches state, “All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, Thane of Glamis!/ All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor!/ All hail, Macbeth, that shalt be King hereafter!” (Act I, sc 3...
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...the Titanic hit an iceberg during it´s maiden voyage. In about two and a half hours she sunk in the Atlantic Ocean at a depth of around 12,500 feet deep, killing 1,500 people. Only an estimate of 712 survived. On September 20th, 1911 the Olympic, the Titanic's sister ship, had a very serious collision with the HMS Hawke just off the coast of the Isle of Wight. This collision had caused a lot of problems for the White Star Line as it meant the Olympic was out of service until ruinously expensive repairs were made. This meant that the Titanic's maiden voyage was postponed, which lead to a loss of profit that they needed to make up. Is it possible that the owners of the ships switched them and sunk the "Titanic" purposely? The only people who...
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..."Romeo and Juliet" contains a religious figure, Friar Lawrence, who is to blame for the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. His actions throughout the play as a friar are debateable, even with many years of experience. He is expected to help the town and prevent any kind of trouble, however, he has created plans that has made room for more trouble. The Friar's first mistake which leads to the tragedy is allowing the marriage of the "star cross'd lovers" without the permission of the parent Montague and Capulet. In addition, Friar Lawrence had to deliver a message to Romeo which was vital to their plan, but he did not take good care of it. Finally, he designed a plan which involved faking the death of Juliet, deceiving to honourable families and disturbing the dead. Friar Lawrence giving permission to Romeo and Juliet to marry without their parent's consent has led to their death. The Friar...
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...Who did it? Who was responsible for this whole fiasco? Well, in this play of life and death everyone had a part to play in this drama. Otherwise, it would be a one man show, but there is one person that could have nipped this bud of a tragedy before it bloomed and eventually wilted and died. Before you get your sleuth on to try and figure out who done did it. You should know what their crime is in this story. Created by the world renowned, William Shakespeare, and this story of true and undefeatable love, Romeo & Juliet. This story takes place in 1300s in the fair city of Verona, where the Montagues and Capulets have a feud that has been waging war between the two. Amidst this family feud, two lovers each from another family meet. Stricken...
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...back, a situation got out of control, or one made a decision that changed one’s life forever. This day is experienced differently through the eyes of each individual and yet, they all have one idea in common: the idea of blame. Whose fault was it? Was it his, hers, mine? Yours? Dealing with this blame is a characteristic which still hides itself from the average human, however some view this key as acceptance. When individuals are put into scarring situations, they often blame themselves, and try to carry this blame throughout their entire life. If people feel guilty about a certain situation, they often blame someone who is not with...
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