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Whole Foods Casebstudy


Submitted By jbacon24
Words 3216
Pages 13
Strategic Management and Business Policy
MGMT 4303 – P02
Spring 2015

Faculty Sponsor:
Dr. Jermaine Vesey
Department of Management & Marketing
College of Business
Prairie View A&M University

Group Case Study: Whole Foods Market
Jamal Bacon, Briana Bedford, Alexis Castleberry, Jordon Powell

Strategic profile & case analysis purpose

Whole foods was the world’s number one leading retailer of natural and organic foods. It was founded by John Mackey when he started with one store, but it has now grown to the nation’s leading food chain. The purpose of this business case study is to explore the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats facing Whole Foods. In 2005 whole foods had 172 stores in North America and the United Kingdom. Whole Foods Market was created in 1979 when John Mackey partnered with Craig Weller and Mark Skiles. The new company was established in Austin, Texas, in 1980, and consisted of a natural food market with a staff of 19 members. The success of Whole Foods was attributed largely through mergers, acquisitions, and several new store openings.
In the United States, Whole Foods is considered the largest natural food supermarket. Whole Foods Markets is driven by its mission, “the company is highly selective about what they sell, dedicated to stringent quality standards, and committed to sustainable agriculture. They believe in a virtuous circle entwining the food chain, human beings and Mother Earth: each is reliant upon the others through a beautiful and delicate symbiosis” (Hunger and Wheelen pg.28-2). Whole Food’s objectives consisted of targeting their locations where there is a high percentage of residents that have a college degree, because they are more likely to be well educated, generally meaning more health conscious and being able to afford the higher prices. Another objective Whole Foods has

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