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Why Did I Get Married Essay


Submitted By 198610
Words 632
Pages 3
According to (Brown, Emily: 2001) “Couples therapy is a form of psychological therapy used to treat relationship distress for both individuals and couples.” The purpose of couple’s therapy is to restore a better level of functioning in couples who experience relationship distress. The reasons for distress can include poor communication skills, incompatibility, or a broad spectrum of psychological disorders that include domestic violence, alcoholism, depression and anxiety. The focus of couple’s therapy is to identify the presence of dissatisfaction and distress in the relationship, and to devise and implement a treatment plan with objectives designed to improve or alleviate the presenting symptoms and restore the relationship to a better and healthier level of functioning. Couples therapy can assist persons who are having complaints of intimacy, sexual, and communication difficulties. Why Did I Get Married? Is about four couples who are old college and now best friends, who go away together for a week in the mountains to reconnect and sort out any marital problems in asking the question ‘Why did I get married.’ The film focuses on the trials of marriage. It is an intimate story about the difficulty of maintaining a solid love relationship in modern times. During a trip to the picturesque snow-capped mountains of Colorado, the eight married college friends have gathered for their annual seven-day reunion. However, the cosy mood is shattered when the group comes face-to-face with one pair’s infidelity. As secrets begin to reveal, each couple begins questioning the validity of their own marriage. Over the course of the week, the couples battle with issues of commitment, betrayal and forgiveness and examine their lives as individuals and as committed couples. Tyler Perry's film explores the resultant emotional impact that fidelity and love have upon the

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