Why Do People Use Pit Bull Terriers Legalize Dogfighting?
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The Michigan State University of Law defines dogfighting as “a type of blood sport that turns game and fighting dogs against each other in a physical fight, often to the death, for the purposes of gambling or entertainment to the spectators.” The “General Law'' states that “Whoever: (i) owns, possesses, keeps or trains any bird, dog or other animal, with the intent that it shall be engaged in an exhibition of fighting.” This means that these dogs are forced to be trained in order to fight till death. When doing this, people begin to be excited or thrilled, because the appeal simply seems to come from the sadistic enjoyment of a brutal spectacle. We tend to notice that people have no sympathy for these dogs or any type of animal and would treat…show more content… The American Pit Bull Terrier on Wikipedia states that people use undocumented dogs, specifically Pit Bulls, in order to create these illegal dog fights. It reads “Pit Bull Terriers also constitute the majority of dogs used for illegal dog fighting in America”. This explains that people use Pit Bull Terriers more than the other breeds in America, but other breeds are also used for dogfighting. There are many reasons why people like to organize dogfighting, but the most common is greed. They use these dogs for their own battles in order to show off the strength that they “have.” In the article “A Closer Look At Dogfighting” says “There are many reasons people are drawn to dogfighting. The most basic is greed. Major dogfight raids have resulted in seizures of more than $500,000, and it is not unusual for $20,000 - $30,000 to change hands in a single fight.” This part of the article explains that these people mostly organize these battles between dogs so that they could have them essentially fighting their own battles because they cannot. Moreover, when these dogs fight it makes the people who organize it look like they have superior power when it comes to one dog winning over the