Premium Essay

Why Do Serial Killers Reenact The Ripper Murder?

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Words 632
Pages 3
“Yeah, I heard what everyone was saying and what Colleen said. You think some nut job serial killers is trying to reenact the Ripper murders?” Maison didn’t think that sounded right, but it was better than a random attack that happened to happen at the exact spot of one of the ripper murders. “That is a terrifying thought,” Rachel muttered as she rolled onto her back. “I mean, in that case, there are going to be four other murders. Four other females being murdered.” “Well, if he really is attempting to recreate the murders, he, or she, is going to take prostitutes. We should be good.” Maison did worry about all those woman who were working in the only way they could or the way they wanted to, but they felt better that one of their friends wasn’t going to be a target. Besides, the police would find the …show more content…
“From what the German woman said, she was in a Burberry coat and a pair of sensible boots. As in, not hooker heels.” “Professional call girl?” Maison offered, not really believing what they were saying either. However, they did like playing devil’s advocate, though it was usually in arguments with Colleen and not Rachel. “I don’t know,” Rachel sighed. “It just doesn’t feel right. It feels like it’s something else, you know?” “Trust me, I know,” Maison sighed in agreement. “However, there is nothing we can do about it except go about our business and keep our eyes open.” “That’s always the best policy,” Colleen commented as she cracked the bathroom door before going to brush her teeth to let some of the steam out. She’d only heard the tail end of the conversation, but it hadn’t been hard to figure out what they were talking about. Colleen had been thinking about it in the shower, the pure level of damage that had been done to the woman’s body. She wondered who she was and reminded herself to pick up a paper on her way to the meeting

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