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Why I Chose To Pursue A Career In The Arts

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In our world today, success is the definition of happiness, but success is defined by being a doctor, with a white picket fence house and family. Anything less than that American ideal of perfection, and society deems your life unfit of the most basic emotion, happiness. I choose to pursue a career in the arts because I am worth it.
I began my career in theatre later than most because I did not have any exposure to the arts in middle school. So in high school, I took the plunge! I was one of two freshmen to get accepted into the musical, and have come a long way since then. I’ve been accepted into Fordham University’s rigorous Theatre Performance major, and was recently a finalist in the Rita Moreno California High School Musical Honors Competition. These past four years I have …show more content…
I can say it now, because I have the talent, the passion, and the drive to do what makes me happiest in life. Financial Need Why are you applying for this scholarship? Please describe your current financial situation, and what effect being awarded this scholarship will have on yourself, and your family. (2000 Character Limit) Currently, I am in a huge financial struggle because my mother, a widow who lost my father to alcohol abuse, will be losing her consulting contract in August. This means we will not have a stable source of income as a family. My mother needs to take care of her four children by herself, and with my older sister and I pursuing our college degrees and the younger two being in high school, it’s horribly stressful for her to be unsure of the future. She knows the amount that she can pay for my college education, so it is up to me to make up the rest of it. Still, I have always pushed forward from my personal struggles.

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