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Why I Want To Be A Softball Coach

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I have a passion for people, but it took me sixteen years and a softball coach to discover my unconditional love for the human mind..

Last year, during the championship game of my softball tournament, I asked my coach why the opposing team had one of their athletes give the signs to the catcher instead of giving them through the coach. While on deck, I studied the coach's mannerisms along with the way her athlete responded. I became so enthralled in their discussion, that I almost missed my coach telling me I was up to bat. He looked at me and grinned. “Man, A, I swear you’re the most inquisitive person I know”. Confused about whether or not to take his word as a compliment, I went up to bat and carried on with the game. At the end of the day, we packed up our bags and left the dugout; however, my coach's observation lodged itself on the forefront of my mind.

Then, after hours of rationalization, I concluded that only someone who craved the explanation to human behavior, motivation, and perception would care about why the coach chose to complicate her sign-giving process. …show more content…
On a personal level, I constantly question the cause of such elevated self-expectations. Within my friend group, I ponder over how Alex, the obstinate and pro-military republican, became best friends with Hailey, the tranquil friend who epitomizes pacifism. Expanding to school, I debate why my superintendent takes time out of his day to come and watch the school’s talent show, where he is one of only fifty attendees. Nationwide, I cannot fathom how a developed and fortunate country continues to have one of the highest number of reported crimes in the

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