...first semester of my freshman year of college I took the first step of my half-hearted plan to pursue a career in medicine: enrolling in General Chemistry. Through my weekly allotted hours in lab, I realized the crucial role the environment plays in bringing about certain chemical reactions. This importance extends far beyond the controlled setting of a college laboratory, in which it seems even the air pressure is finely-tuned. For instance, the tarnished silver of the pendant which sits atop my neck is a pro duct of the metal’s reaction to the moisture and sulfur in the air. Beyond my necklace, I have found this principle to be applicable in many aspects of my life, including my undergraduate education. It is not surprising that it was in the very course which taught me the importance of context where I came to the realization that perhaps the environment I found myself in was not for me. I felt firmly adrift among goggle-eyed peers in lab and decided to migrate to courses in the humanities, which my liberal arts college offered in spades. Still, I found myself wanting—this time not so much in the curriculum or academics, but in the sense of community I felt with my classmates....
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...that lead up to why one should attend college. The college of your choosing can offer a great life to anyone who chooses to go. Many benefits are accompanied by the retaining a degree of your choice. Many steps too are followed in the process of college. One must apply themselves to a college and career in order to achieve the personal goal in life. Anyone who plans on attending college must also choose a job they want to complete after college. When earning a college degree, there are numerous benefits. A college degree offers great opportunity for those who wish on being a success. If one earns a degree in the job course of their choosing, they are more likely to have an increase of earnings in their future lives. It is proven by facts and information that one who has a college degree receives more money than a person who doesn’t. In today’s economy, more business owners and job bosses are...
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...“Some people get an education without going to college. The rest get it after they get out.” (Twain 1) Is Mark Twain right, could college be a complete waste of time and money? Caroline Bird would agree with Twain on his implied view of college being a utter waste. Bird questions the real motive behind receiving a college education and depicts her view onto the minds of many college students in todays world. Mike Rose in his article about “Blue-Collar Brilliance” as well as Brent Staples in his writing about “Why Colleges Shower Their Students with A’s” make several valid, relative points that correlate with Bird’s belief on college being a complete waste of both time and money. Bird’s argument can be valid under the circumstance that one becomes unusually successful in a blue collar career, a student is simply given grades instead of earned and many other situations that go outside the traditional aspects of society and education. I, however, strongly disagree with Bird’s belief that college is a waste of time and money because despite her assertion that it is an expensive, time consuming commitment and the initial intention may be influenced by parents or societal pressures, the student will eventually gain a desire to learn and pursue a career if college is the right path for them. Even though I may not agree, Bird supports her argument very well with both statistics and convincing input. By stating that “no more than 25 percent of students are turned on by ...
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...years, I have been working at dead end jobs. Most of the time, I’ve had to work two jobs at a time just to make the ends meet. A college education will change all of this enabling me to no longer struggle with working two jobs at a time. With my college education and degree, I should have a rewarding career within a few years of studying with limitless possibilities for growth. My advancement opportunities should be great, especially once I continue my college education from an Associate to a Bachelor degree. Even greater if I continue on to earn my Master’s Degree after I complete my Bachelor’s Degree. All in all, the sky is the limit and I am ready to fly. There are many reasons why a college education is important to me. A college education can open doors that has been shut and sealed tight by way of hammer and nails. What I mean is, without a college education, you are limited to certain types of jobs that you can qualify for. For instance, there is an open position for a Superintendent at my current job. In order for me to apply for this position, I must have an Associate Degree in Construction Management. This is a simple cause and effect for me. I want this career for myself so I am attending college to obtain this exact degree. I will accept nothing less. I know what I want to do and I know what salary I want to make. A college education will get me exactly where I want to be. I have always known that a college education was an important thing to have. A college education...
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...Why college education is important to me My reasons for a why college is important to me are not only because of money, but it has to do with me and my life. I have always dreamed of being a technology teacher since I was young in my school. Interacting and delivering good quality education to the next generation is my ultimate dream. Without my continuing looking and harvesting for my higher degree, I would not be able to go into that field of expertise. The U.S. Census Bureau stated that “By far, one of the biggest advantages to going to college is that you will be qualified for more high-paying jobs in most fields. While this doesn’t always hold true, college grads do, on average, make a lot more money than workers who just have a high school diploma. In fact, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, the annual salary average differences between educational levels are staggering: High school drop outs is $18,734, High school graduates is $27,915, College grads (with a bachelor’s degree) $51,206 and Advanced degree holders is $74,602.” College is important to me because it helps with the jobs and career markets. Today, finding a job or career is very competitive and hard to find. You must have some kind of education besides a high school diploma. To pursue my career in teaching, I have to be part of the higher education system to contest with my students and to be a professional teacher. Without holding my college degree I will not be able to add any benefits to my career that...
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...and Support and Argument The Decision to pursue an MBA MGT/521 August 26, 2010 Making the decision to pursue a college degree takes a commitment and determination. I set a personal goal to obtain my first degree because I saw that my children were growing up, and I wanted to have a college degree before they did. As of the present time I am in the pursuit of my MBA. People question me about why I would I still want to attend college. My reasoning, I want to continue to improve myself. I am dedicated to the commitment to succeed. I have several arguments that I believe supports my decision to receive my MBA. Pursing my Master’s degree will offer many rewarding possibilities. The time I will invest to receive a Master’s will give me the knowledge to excel in my career path with potential earning potential. The first argument I have for pursuing my Master’s Degree is it will give me credibility with business peers. Working on my MBA demonstrates my commitment to the organization because I have chosen to invest a substantial amount of my time that it will take to obtain my degree. With my personality type of being a determined individual, I can achieve any goal I set forth for myself. There was a time when getting a college degree was a choice, it was not necessary to have a degree to obtain a good paying job, in today’s business market a degree is a necessity. My second argument for obtaining a Master’s Degree it gives me a more competitive edge in the...
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...The benefits of earning a college degree can help you in many ways. It can help you get a job easier. The higher degree you have the more satisfied with your job you will be. During an economic down turn employers often have to cut employees but if you have a college degree then the chances of you being laid-off are substantially lower. Higher degrees tend to earn more, if someone only has a high school diploma then they will earn $32,500 per year while someone with a PhD will earn $100,000 per year. However your field of expertise will also decide how much money make. I chose WVU because it is close to home and is cheaper than going to a college that is out of state. They also have all of the classes that I want to take. The tuition for...
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...The path to college may not be for everybody. Everyone has their own career that really want to pursue. However, college is not the road for every career. Some careers require experience and or a vocational technical high school diploma where others do require University. Students should learn what they want to do with their lives before falling into the trap of going to college even though they might not need a degree. This is because of career requirements, the type of work they’ll be doing, and the financial stress that could come from college. If your career doesn’t need a college degree and you know thats your passion, dive right into the career. If you compare the requirements of a technical trade compared to an engineer, the engineer requires a B.A. in Engineering. On the other hand, the technical trade, let’s say Electrical,...
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...Why Pursue an MBA? Francyn Salas MGMT521 Why Pursue an MBA? Innovative. Individualistic. Entrepreneurial. The Jungian Personality Assessment suggests that these three words describe a person like me. These characteristics are subject to personal interpretation. It is with these three characteristics that I will present my argument for wanting to pursue and obtain a Master of Business Administration, MBA degree. These reasons are related to issues such as job scarcity, wage earnings, and personal goals. It is because of job scarcity that I would like to establish myself in a good company. Once established, I can work towards increasing my wage earnings and at the same time work towards my personal goals. An individualistic mind is one that seeks to separate itself from the rest of the pack. Because obtaining a bachelor’s degree is fast becoming a common practice, pursuing a master’s degree only makes sense to a person seeking to be more distinguishable in a sea of familiarity. Degree requiring jobs are also becoming difficult to obtain. This difficulty can be attributed to the growing number of BA degree holders seeking jobs. According to NACE’s Job Outlook 2010 Spring Update, report shows employers plan to hire 5.3 percent more new college graduates in 2009-10 than they did in 2008-09 ("Job outlook: hiring," 2010). More and more college graduates are sought out for jobs. If having a master’s degree gives a person the extra edge, why not go for the degree...
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...When I grow up as a child, I was setting goals for a future and what to do in life. I choose to pursue Physical therapist assistant which it is a reason why I want to help people, be more responsible, give good attitude to the patients. Next 5 years I will be working in different states at hospital or clinic. I may change to undecided major whether if I want to pursue different major. According to Occupational outlook handbook” Physical therapist assistant observe the patients before, during and after therapy; making notes patient’s status and report it to a physical therapist.’’. Patients were using the variety of techniques by physical therapist assistant and physical therapist use equipment for a therapy. The treatment helps educate patients and family members what to do after being treated. It is important for patient’s exercises every day and loses little bit weight. Physical therapist assistant always keeps updated with their patients to see how they doing. I want to pursue physical therapist assistant as my career and...
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...Persuasive Outline College More Affordable I. Introduction A. Attention Getter: Wouldn’t it be nice if any student would attend college without the struggles of paying for school. B. Thesis Statement: The expensive of College tuition has neglected people to pursue their dreams. C. Preview Sentence: During my speech I will discuss my three reasons why college should be more affordable. Student loans, you will live a more comfortable lifestyle, and because every person deserves a better education. Translation- I’ll start by discussing how people are struggling to pay their loans to the bank. II. Body 1. Student loans Topic Sentence- Instead of the students thinking of how enjoyable and good of a time it’s going to be going to college. Students are worried of how are they going to be able to pay for school. A. According to Mark Kantrowitz, the publisher of edvisors.com, the class of 2015 will each graduate with $35,051 in student dept on average. B. As stated in huffingtonpost.com, during the last 30 years, the cost of obtaining a college degree has risen 1,120 percent. Transition- Let me share you why going to school will provide you with a better future. 2. Live a more comfortable lifestyle Topic Sentence- Going to college will provide you with many benefits. A. Susan Demas said that going to college, on average, make a whooping...
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...ways you could relieve the pain from your body? Are you ever hurting to the point where you don’t want to move? Did you know that 31million Americans will experience lower-back pain sometime in their life? That’s why I have chosen Chiropractic as my career. It is a health care and hands on profession and adjust people who are hurting with extreme pain (American Chiropractic Association). I have gotten adjusted since I was at least 10 years old. My dad has been in the business for about 30+ years and it’s grown on me to study it and start a career in it. I want to study this particular career because I want to help people all around the country who are hurting. Knowing that I can do that will make me feel a whole lot better because they won’t be hurting anymore. Over the years I have learned more information about this career from doctors and my dads company....
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...A college education opens doors for many opportunities for those who pursue one. Obtaining a college education is not an easy feat, especially if it is postponed until after you have a spouse, children and a full time job. We as parents need to realize the positive influence we can have on our children’s future plans and pursuits. Most parents want the best for their children; they want to see them succeed in life. One way to help ensure their success is by influencing their decision to pursue a college education when there is less distractions in their life, which is right after high school. If our children choose not to attend college after high school, life might become so occupied with other things it may postpone or prevent our children from obtaining a college degree. Speaking as a parent who first entered the work force and started a family, I understand how difficult it is attending college in the midst of raising a family. The stress is real, and the pressure is felt by all, when a working mother or father begins to obtain a college education. Granted, there are benefits to taking a year off after high school in order to regroup and relax, but the risk of not returning is highly possibly. Attending college right out of high school is the preferable option, and we as parents should encourage our children to make this most sensible choice. College conversations with our children should start early. Many parents begin to discuss college with their children around...
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...I am an active duty Marine who still has two and a half years left on my contract. I’m determined to obtain my degree while still maintaining active duty status. Prior to enlisting, I was struggling not only with accepting the fact that the previous major I was pursuing, geology, may not be for me; but working 2 part time jobs to make ends meet. I enlisted in the United States Marine Corps since I knew that I could still provide service to my country. Also my experiences in the Marine Corps would give me skills to help establish myself in the civilian world later, and, at the same time, gain work experience. I know that in today’s society, it is not only important to have a bachelor’s degree but have working experience too. The U.S. Marines provides this for me every day. Constantly, I do on the job training, to further my...
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...I often envision myself as a successful Lawyer and opening a law firm where I can help others especially victims of crimes, but to achieve these goals I must be educated. College education is important to me because it is the foundation of having a successful career in life; it gives a better understanding and knowledge of this world. College education not only helps me intellectually it also shapes me personally and socially. Furthering ones education prepares you for a better future, opening doors of opportunities for a better quality of life. Growing up as a child I was always reminded by my caregivers and teachers that education is the key to success. According to Malcolm X, a civil right activist “Without education you are not going anywhere in this world.” I used to think that doing well in school and getting good grades was for the benefits of my teachers and to escape the punishment that comes with failing grades. It was when I was getting prepared to leave the secure comforting gates of high school that I started to comprehend the importance of being educated and furthering my education; not for others but for myself, I can reminisce on my professors, school subjects, the late nights studying and the anxiety of upcoming exams and the stress which helped me to be a more responsible individual and a better scholar. During my high school years I often wondered why it would be important for me to further my education. Did I need to acquire a degree in order to be successful...
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