...laws, as stated in the First Amendment. While to some, civil disobedience may seem as an idea that destroys a society, to others (including myself) is just another way to bring about awareness and change to a society. In Martin Luther King's "Letter from Birmingham Jail", civil disobedience is shown throughout King's actions. King's peaceful protest movements showed resistance to several negative impacts of injustice. In the essay, King states that although Alabama clergymen were criticizing his actions, his argument was...
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...Choice and Short Answer Sections of Exam Civil Disobedience What are the functions that law fulfills in society? (pp. 2-4) Malum in Se (and be able to identify examples illustrating these laws) Malum Prohibitum (and be able to identify examples illustrating these laws) Precedent (and why important to the common law and our court system) Stare Decisis (and why important to the common law and our court system) What is Natural Law? Why important to history and formation of common law? What is Positive Law? What is the “sociological theory of law?” What are the four primary sources of law? Where do we find “law” today? What was the most important source of law historically for the common law? What is the order of importance of sources of law today in U.S.? Change in Legal Methodology in U.S. (hint: what was the change in focus in the US regarding the four sources of law? Why? See p. 37) What are the major differences between criminal and civil law in the U.S. today? Be able to define role and significance of constitutional law, statutory law, case law, and administrative and regulatory law in today’s society What are the four global legal traditions? Which are most prevalent today? Be able to briefly define each of the four global legal traditions and provide a coherent definition of each of the four systems What are the salient differences between Common Law Systems and Civil Law (Romano-Germanic Law) systems today? How did the Common Law develop in Great Britain...
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...The Dirty Thirties and the Emergence Of Canadian Social Assistance Grade 10 Academic-CHC2D Dec. 12, 2011 By: Kate Raatzs, Archana Selvaragan and Jennifer Joseph Table of Contents Task Page Design Plan Statement 1 Course Outline 2-5 Unit Overview 6 Unit Calendar 7-8 Enduring Understandings/Essential Questions 9-10 Lesson Summaries: a) Causes of Economic Troubles 11 b) Population Changes and Immigration 12-14 c) Technology of the 1930s 15 d) Life in the 1930s 16 e) On-To-Ottawa and Social Unrest 17 f) Social Assistance Programs 18 g) Then and Now Review Lesson 19-21 h) Then and Now Round Table Assignment 22-23 Appendix A: Round Table Discussion Handout 24 Rubric for Round Table Discussion and other Assessment ideas 25-28 Topic Organizer 29-31 Speech Planner 32 Design Process Statement Our group initially decided to work together because each of us was specifically interested in developing lessons for Grade 10 Canadian History – Academic. Some of us wanted to develop our understanding of the curriculum itself, while others wanted to focus on working with students of this age. After reviewing the curriculum...
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...marriage as people may expect. Abraham had multiple wives; Saint Paul said, “It is better not to marry”(158). The Bible verse that Moody is using comes from 1 Corinthians 7. The verse explains that it is better for a man not to marry if he can refrain from having sex, but since sexual immortality occurs man should marry to avoid sex outside of marriage (NIV Study Bible). A less informed reader would take this as meaning people should not marry. A more informed reader could recognize that there is more to this verse and further review is necessary to find the real meaning. At this point the informed reader may conclude that Moody’s argument could be less than completely truthful. The tradition of marriage is statistically a failure and still both gay and straight couples want to be joined together in the covenant of marriage. Some religious branches require couples to meet conditions before preforming a marriage...
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...Africa Why so many wars? What’s the solution? Airplane accidents Who is responsible? Should families of victims be entitled to compensation? Airport security Should the government use invasive pat-downs and body scans to ensure passenger safety or are there better methods? Al Qaida Has U.S. policy actually spread terrorism rather than contain it? Will it get better or worse? Why and how? Alcohol Should the U.S. lower the drinking age to 18? Animal rights Should it be illegal to use animals for sports and entertainment? Arming pilots Good idea? Art A few years ago, an artist was criticized for depicting the Virgin Mary with elephant dung. When is art not really art? Athletes in high schools Should shoe companies be able to give away free shoes and equipment to high school athletes? Beauty contests Do they serve any purpose in society? Bridges, roads, waterways Why the government gets a bad report card on America’s infrastructure. Bullying laws Should the state or federal government put laws into place to prevent bullying? Cell phones How have they changed us socially? Censorship Should parents censor textbooks and other literature for children in schools? Cheap labor U.S. companies that move factories to undeveloped nations barely pay employees enough to live on. Is it unethical to pay cheap wages or are companies doing those workers a favor? Child soldiers Why and how children are used for war Church arson Hate crime? Civil disobedience Is breaking...
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...Ryan (howard@netwood.net) Preface 2 Part I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Problems of Nonviolent Theory Nonviolent Philosophy 6 Moral View: Violence Itself Is Wrong 9 Practical View: Violence Begets Violence 13 Nonviolent Theory of Power 21 Voluntary Suffering 24 Common Nonviolent Arguments 34 A Class Perspective 49 Part II 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Gandhi: A Critical History Father of Nonviolence 56 Satyagraha in South Africa 59 Textile Strike 66 Noncooperation Movement 1919-22 70 Religious Conflicts 80 Salt Satyagraha 87 Congress Ministries 97 The War Years 101 Independence and Bloodshed 111 Part III 17 18 19 20 Nonviolence in the Anti-Nuclear Movement Nonviolent Direct Action 120 Consensus Decision Making 123 Open, Friendly, and Respectful 136 Civil Disobedience 142 Epilogue 151 Notes 154 ©2002 by Howard Ryan. All rights reserved. Readers have my permission to use and distribute for non-profit and educational purposes. Critique of Nonviolent Politics 2 Preface (2002) Critique of Nonviolent Politics may be the only comprehensive critique of nonviolent theory that has been written. I wrote it between 1980 and 1984, while living in Berkeley, California. Since 1977, I had been active in the movement against nuclear power and weapons which, in California, focused its protests at the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant near San Luis Obispo, and at the University of California's Lawrence Livermore Labs where nuclear weapons are designed. Nonviolence was the prevailing political theory in the movement...
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...Gandhi's Hind Swaraj takes the form of a dialogue between two characters, The Reader and The Editor. The Reader essentially serves as the typical Indian countryman whom Gandhi would have been addressing with Hind Swaraj. The Reader voices the common beliefs and arguments of the time concerning Indian Independence. Gandhi, The Editor, explains why those arguments are flawed and interject his own arguments. As The Editor Gandhi puts it, "it is my duty patiently to try to remove your prejudice." In the dialogue which follows, Gandhi outlines four themes which structure his arguments. 1. First, Gandhi argues that ‘Home Rule is Self Rule’. He argues that it is not enough for the British to leave only for Indians to adopt a British-styled society. As he puts it, some "want English rule without the Englishman ... that is to say, [they] would make India English. And when it becomes English, it will be called not Hindustan but Englishtan. This is not the Swaraj I want.” 2. Gandhi also argues that Indian independence is only possible through passive resistance. In fact, more than denouncing violence, Gandhi argues that it is counter-productive; instead, he believes, “The force of love and pity is infinitely greater than the force of arms. There is harm in the exercise of brute force, never in that of pity.” This is essential throughout Hind Swaraj. 3. In order to exert passive resistance, Gandhi reasons that Swadeshi (self-reliance) be exercised by Indians, meaning the refusal of all trade...
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...Anna Munoz Dr. Jones DISC 1313 December 4, 2015 Music and The Civil Rights Movement of the 1960’s All forms of Black music, from jazz to rock and roll, played an important part in the Civil Rights Movement. The songs were sung for multiple purposes and played a critical role in inspiring, activating, and giving voice to the people involved. The evolution of music during the early 1950’s and 1960’s in the Black freedom struggle reflects the evolution of the Civil Rights Movement itself. The progressive thought of the 1950s nurtured new ideas and cultures including the Civil Rights Movement and the fast spread of rock and roll. One such cultural revival occurred after the end of World War II during a time of change, prosperity and restoration. The “Puritan dicta” outlined by Baldwin represents the American ideology before the Second World War. As the first settlers of this nation, the Puritans set the mold for many common American ideologies. In the Puritan view white represented good and black represented evil, including Africans and their culture. After the war, Baldwin states that the former puritanical views of whites will be challenged. Musicians such as Elvis Presley were the first to issue this challenge to white society. Early rockers like Elvis would pave the way for social commentary in music that would add much fire to the Civil Rights Movement. To fully understand the explosion of popularity of Black music in the years following World War II, one must understand...
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...Sean Bouchard Eng101 TITLE IN THE WORKS Who have we become as a nation? What happened to the real and true American spirit? The spirit of individuality, freedom, and happiness? For too long I have seen this nation become sheep, become beggars, and whiners, always looking for a free handout and when they don’t get it, they whine and blame others, or the elites, for not giving them what they think they are owed. It’s as if America has become a nanny state. It’s because of this that I recently started looking into another way of thought, one that I feel is not just American, but truly human. I’m not gonna go on some rant on how things should have been but on how we can still make them. I want to make you wonder about another field of thought, of another way to guide your life and it may even improve it. It’s the thought of true Independence and Freedom. Most of all, I want you to start thinking. For quite a few years now I have been reading the works of Lysander Spooner, Murray Rothbard, Benjamin Tucker, and Henry Thoreau, Ralph Waldo Emerson and the lesser known William Buppert. All of these men have helped to shape my thinking and shape my beliefs (might be a bad thing, but I’m liking the freedom it’s given my mind). It’s given me a power I never truly felt before, the power to live a free life and the power to question. I always felt I lived a rather free life, I mean, we live in a free country right? Freedom to speak, to write, to get a job, to fail? I even felt...
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...Chapter Study Questions Exam Five 2305 (Chapters 4, 5, and 9) The Enduring Democracy Third Edition, 2013-2014, Dautrich and Yalof, Cengage Publishing. Be sure to skip a line between the question and the answer and skip another line before the next question. Chapter Four: Civil Liberties 1. What are civil liberties and when did individual rights recognized by government first appear in a legal charter? What charter? 73 - Those specific individual rights that are guaranteed by the Constitution and cannot be denied to citizens by government. Most of these rights are in the first 10 amendments to the Constitution, known as the Bill of Rights. The original English legal charter, the Magna Carta of 1215. 2. How are civil liberties different from civil rights? 73 - Civil liberties may be distinguished from civil rights (sometimes called equal rights), which refer to rights that members of various groups (racial, ethnic, sexual, and so on) have to equal treatment by government under the law and equal access to society’s opportunities. 3. What were the Alien and Sedition Acts and were editors if newspapers actually jailed? 74 - Alien Act, which authorized the president to deport from the United States all aliens suspected of “treasonable or secret” inclinations; the Alien Enemies Act, which allowed the president during wartime to arrest aliens subject to an enemy power; and the Sedition Act, which criminalized the publication of materials that brought the U.S. government...
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...1. LETTER TO ADDITIONAL SECRETARY, HOME DEPARTMENT, GOVERNMENT OF INDIA DETENTION C AMP, January 27, 1944 ADDITIONAL S ECRETARY TO THE GOVERNMENT OF INDIA (HOME DEPARTMENT) NEW DELHI SIR, Some days ago Shri Kasturba Gandhi told the Inspector-General of prisons and Col. Shah that Dr. Dinshaw Mehta of Poona be invited to assist in her treatment. Nothing seems to have come out of her request. She has become insistent now and asked me if I had written to the Government in the matter. I, therefore, ask for immediate permission to bring in Dr. Mehta. She has also told me and my son that she would like to have some Ayurvedic physician to see her. 1 I suggest that the I.G.P. be authorized to permit such assistance when requested. 2. I have no reply as yet to my request2 that Shri Kanu Gandhi, who is being permitted to visit the patient every alternate day, be allowed to remain in the camp as a whole-time nurse. The patient shows no signs of recovery and night-nursing is becoming more and more exacting. Kanu Gandhi is an ideal nurse, having nursed the patient before. And what is more, he can soothe her by giving her instrumental music and by singing bhajans. I request early relief to relieve the existing pressure. The matter may be treated as very urgent. 3. The Superintendent of the camp informs me that when visitors come, one nurse only can be present. Hitherto more than one nurse has attended when necessary. The Superintendent used his discretion as to the necessity. But when...
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...freedom to individuals to embark on whatever activity they so wish be it joining association; politically, socially, academically just to mention few regardless of any moral view or perception that exists. Here, the individual is somehow his own boss and does things that pleases him. This research puts to bear the relevancy of the libertarian approach pertaining to the indecent dressing of the female students of the University of Cape Coast. Imaging not having control over anything you do and living your life as other people want you to live it. With viewing life from the Libertarian philosophy, libertarians will argue that each person should be able to live life as they want as long as they are not harming others. With the governments today, they create laws that protect people from themselves. This is hard for Libertarians to accept because in their opinions, each individual should have their own freedom. The core of Libertarianism is the fact that we own our bodies, our earnings, and this meaning the government has no...
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...G U I D E T E A C H E R’S A TEACHER’S GUIDE TO TWELVE YEARS A SLAVE BY SOLOMON NORTHUP bY Jeanne M. McGlInn anD JaMes e. McGlInn 2 A Teacher’s Guide to Twelve Years a Slave by Solomon Northup Table of Contents SYNOPSIS......................................................................................................................................3 ABOUT THE AUTHOR...............................................................................................................3 INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY GUIDE............................................................................3 MEETING COMMON CORE STANDARDS.............................................................3 THE SLAVE NARRATIVE GENRE...............................................................................3 HISTORICAL OVERVIEW..........................................................................................................4 DURING READING.....................................................................................................................6 SYNTHESIZING DISCUSSION QUESTIONS.......................................................................9 ENRICHMENT ACTIVITIES.......................................................................................................9 ACTIVITIES FOR USING THE FILM ADAPTATION........................................................ 11 ADDITIONAL RESOURCES.....................................................................................
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...Introduction The right to expression of views, including dissent, through public demonstrations and social mobilization is a democratic right enshrined in international law and practiced throughout the world -- from demonstrating against multilateral trade regimes, to rallying for the protection of the environment, to protesting against illegitimate regimes. The voicing of differing views and political debate over policies is a healthy feature of any modern democracy. As the Human Development Report 2002 notes: Changes in the world have shifted human development priorities and made political freedom, participation and collective action much more important as public policy issues.... Open space for free political debate and the diverse ways in which people can express their views are the essence democratic life and are what make decision making work in democracies In this context, the right to call ‘a hartal’ -- a particular form of protest used in Bangladesh and in other parts of South Asia -- could be viewed is a legitimate democratic right. However, when this right impinges on the rights of individuals to earn a living and to go about their daily lives in peace and security, a situation of ‘conflict of competing rights’ arises. Hartals are often called in ‘the name of the people’, but it is ordinary people whose movements are restricted, property endangered, and progress curbed. Children miss school, the sick miss treatment, and business miss targets. In addition,...
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...THE PUBLIC SECTOR AND ETHICAL TRANSFORMATION: ISSUES AND IMPLICATIONS FOR THE BUREAUCRACY Introduction Ethics is gaining prominence in the discourse about governance today. There is a perception that standards in public life are in decline. This raises questions about the costs of misconduct on the part of those who have been entrusted with guarding public interest and resources. These costs are losses in trust and confidence in public institutions and losses in precious resources which were meant to support the economic and social development of nations and peoples. There is a move worldwide to restore a measure of trust and integrity in public institutions and officials, to safeguard democracy and promote better governance. It could be argued that the perception of a fall in public standards is linked to the shifting role of the state, which is undergoing tremendous reform. Globalization, technological advances, spreading democratization and fiscal crises are challenging states to deal with strong external forces, be - smart - in serving its citizenry, devolve power, and divest it of obsolete activities. As a result, the public service, as an institution, is under pressure to transform itself to respond to these changes. As public servants are asked to take on new and sometimes conflicting roles, there is a need for a cost-effective structure and an encouraging culture to enforce standards and guide their behavior. Government and society cannot promote and enforce ethical...
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