Meg Murry, a thirteen-year old middle schooler, undergoes a metamorphosis in Madeline L’Engle’s novel “A Wrinkle in Time”. In the beginning, Meg is described by her fellow classmates and teachers as a troublesome and stubborn student. As a result, her confidence sinks down like an anchor as her grades rapidly plunge down to the lowest section of her grade level. These moments force Meg Murry to look upon herself as a social outcast and a failure. Consequently, Meg Murry, red-eyed and angry, relentlessly punishes herself by calling herself harsh terms such as “a delinquent” (page 12), and “dumb” (page 17). That is, until one dark and stormy night, where Meg Murry runs into her new, eccentric neighbor, Mrs. Whatsit. Mrs. Whatsit, lips moving,