...restatement, in your own words, that focuses on the main idea or point of a passage. ___ 2. From this chapter, what are the 3 qualities of an effective summary? _brevity______, _completeness __and __objectivity____. 3. Why is objectivity difficult in summary? ___Objectivity is difficult in a summary because, in a summary you have to select certain content that you think is an important part of the passage. _ 4. What factor affects the nature and quality of your interpretation? _prior knowledge of a subject.__ 5. What else may affect your interpretation in writing a summary? _your personal or professional frame of reference. _____ 6. Why does summary have a bad reputation? _Summary has a bad reputation because many student have summarized books that they were supposed to review critically. ______ 7. What types of writing involve summary (4)? Academic Writing: • Critique Papers, Synthesis Papers, Analysis Papers, Research Papers, Literature Papers, Argument Papers, Essay Exams. Workplace Writing: • Policy Briefs, Business Plans, Memos, letters, and reports, Medical Charts, and Legal briefs. 8. In what 3 ways are summaries useful (4-5)? First, a summary is a form of academic study. Writing a summary can help you understand what you read, because you have to write the summary in your own words. Summaries also help improve your writing habits. Second, summaries are useful to readers because it gives the reader a view of the main idea of the story...
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...bestsellers. Writing is an artful way of communicating human experience. Paul Graham once said “Writing doesn’t communicate ideas; it generates them. If you are bad at writing and don’t like it, you will miss out on the ideas writing would have generated. Writing is an art which communicates what an individual wants to say in a descriptive form, a good writer would leave his/her readers spellbound through their writing. Usually writers are categorized into two categories, those who want to say something and those who write for sake of writing. In both cases if you aspire to be a writer, you are already in camp two, the idea of writing is camp one to start with. Writing is just like any other discipline in that you won’t get better at it just by thinking about it. The more you write, the better you get at the art of writing and that’s is what makes you a good and effective writer, but for amateurs there are a few guidelines to start with. Figure out what you want to write This is the most important and basic step in writing. Writing is a vast field that encompasses different genres, a good point to start would be writing about something you are familiar with and in most cases best writing usually stem forth from something you already have knowledge and passion about. When you translate your passion in form of writing you are able to express yourself cogently. This is what draws the line between an average writer and a good writer, there is no such thing as bad writer but a...
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...SUMMARY This Project report details the design and development of a motorized car jack powered the 12 V DC electric outlets available in most modern cars. The motivations behind the project and the objectives and goals of the project are also discussed. Although it was initial plans were to develop a pneumatically operated jack that would work on the car exhaust fumes, rough calculations showed that this idea would not be feasible for safe operation. We later settled on the project idea of a conventional scissor jack that would be operated electrically through the cigarette lighter outlet. Moving further there were two options available – design a scissor jack form the ground up or to retrofit existing jacks with a motor. It was collectively decided to opt for the retrofit. Pros and cons of this are discussed in the report. The report provides comparisons of the various component selections and the reasons behind the selection. The main goal was to find creative ideas to keep costs low and to increase safety margins as high as possible. 1. INTRODUCTION AN automotive jack is a device used to raise all or part of a vehicle in order to facilitate repairs. It is an indispensable tool for any vehicle.owner. Anybody who has owned and driven car for a substantial time has had to use a jack to replace a tire at some point. Most people are familiar with the basic car jack (manually operated) that is still included as standard equipment with most new cars. Not only...
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...Guidelines on Writing a Philosophy Paper Author: Jim Pryor, Princeton University [pic] Philosophical writing is different from the writing you'll be asked to do in other courses. Most of the strategies described below will also serve you well when writing for other courses, but don't automatically assume that they all will. Nor should you assume that every writing guideline you've been given by other teachers is important when you're writing a philosophy paper. Some of those guidelines are routinely violated in good philosophical prose (e.g., see the guidelines on grammar, below). Contents • What Does One Do in a Philosophy Paper? • Three Stages of Writing o Early Stages o Write a Draft o Rewrite, and Keep Rewriting • Minor Points • How You'll Be Graded What Does One Do in a Philosophy Paper? 1. A philosophy paper consists of the reasoned defense of some claim Your paper must offer an argument. It can't consist in the mere report of your opinions, nor in a mere report of the opinions of the philosophers we discuss. You have to defend the claims you make. You have to offer reasons to believe them. So you can't just say: My view is that P. You must say something like: My view is that P. I believe this because... or: I find that the following considerations...provide a convincing argument for P. Similarly, don't just say: Descartes says that Q. Instead...
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...a.k.a. the Remix assignment Recasting Men in Popular Discourse Due Dates: March 26, 2013 (papers, 2 pages, works cited is not required) Presentations: March 19th, and 21st 2013 (as needed) The purpose of the Multi-modal literacy assignment is to work with your writing in another "mode" and to think about the different ways that writing can have an effect an audience. Also, in the global society and economy in which we find ourselves now, many of you will have to work with writing in different ways in the workplace, and many of you already do. For example, most of you know that what and how you write when you text someone or on a Facebook wall is fundamentally different that what you write and how you present yourself in a cover letter for a job application. Likewise, if you were to take a paper that you have written and have to "covert" it to a Powerpoint presentation, most of you would not simply cut and paste text verbatim, but you would condense your writing into bullet points for each slide and then talk about them. For this assignment, we will work particularly on thinking about skills of delivery or presentation, and on thinking about audience. This assignment has two components: a reflective essay which will be graded individually and a group presentation. We will discuss later whether it will be easier to assign groups or for you to choose your own. For this assignment, I would like you as a group to watch an episode or collection of scenes...
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...and time – ten years to have overnight success - but if you’re willing to do the hard work to turn your ideas into completed screenplays as well as build a screenwriting career, follow this 20 step roadmap to screenwriting success: Click Here to Start 1. Watch Tons of Movies Lots of them. Good, bad, old, new. All genres. Make it your quest to become exposed to all things film. It’s a badge of honor to earn film nerd status, because as we all know, “Nerds Rule the World.” The more movies you see, the easier it’ll be to identify plot points, sequences, and act breaks. You’ll even start watching the clockwhen viewing DVD’s at home, as you’ll be inundated with the desire to analyze, but you’ll know when you experienced something truly great when you stop thinking and just enjoy the ride. 2. Read Tons of Screenplays As many as possible. This helps to understand screenplay form as well as see how the pagetranslates to the screen. You get a sense of different screenwriting styles and voices, and most importantly you will be exposed to the application of clear, concise writing, while using creative brevity to maximize the visual medium. Learning how not to direct on the page and maximize white space is all part of it. Check out some websites that offer free downloadable screenplays, such as SimplyScripts or DailyScript. 3. Have Lots of Ideas Lots of them! And make sure your ideas...
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...Geography Programme, School of People, Environment and Planning ESSAY WRITING AND FORMAT GUIDE FOR GEOGRAPHY STUDENTS Essay Writing and Format Guide 2 Essay Writing and Format Guide Table of Contents Introduction: Why Write Essays? ........................................................ 4 Types of Essay........................................................................................ 5 Analysing the Question: Answering the Question............................ 5 Planning Your Essay ............................................................................. 8 Writing Your Essay................................................................................ 9 Introduction ..................................................................................... 10 The Body of the Essay.................................................................... 10 Concluding ....................................................................................... 12 Editing............................................................................................... 13 Writing Style ......................................................................................... 13 Spelling.............................................................................................. 13 Writing numbers.............................................................................. 14 Grammar: plurals and apostrophes .............................................. 15 Syntax: The...
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...you are truly curious. Make clear to yourself and your readers the unresolved question that you set out to resolve. This is your governing question, the question that directs the structure of the piece. Keep your eye on your governing question. You might want to put that question somewhere where you will see it every time you sit down to work -- e.g., on a piece of paper you attach to your computer, your bulletin board, or the wall. This will serve as your lighthouse, your beacon on the horizon that helps you stay on course. You need not be bound to the original form of this question; you may need to revise it or supersede it several times as you move along. Keep a record of how your governing question evolves. *Although it is important to "begin" your focused exploration with a governing question and to make that question clear early on in your thesis, you need not -in fact, probably can not -- begin the entire research and writing process with a question. It takes a lot of work -- reading, talking with people, thinking -- to generate and focus your governing question. 2. Show your readers what leads you to pose your question in the first place. Your governing question derives from competing observations, i.e., observations that appear to you to be in tension with one another and to indicate an apparent puzzle, problem, discrepancy, oversight, mystery, contradiction, or surprise. In the introduction to your piece, let your readers know how what you observe leads ...
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...SCRIPT WRITING FOR SHORT FILMS: A Practical Guide In 8 Steps Stuart Hepburn Lecturer in Screenwriting and Performance University of the West of Scotland This Screenwriting guide has been written as a Practical Step By Step account of how you can go from being an unproduced filmmaker to a winner, in a few basic steps. We want you to able to write the best five minute screenplay possible. We want you to play with the form, experiment, and most importantly, find your own voice. Introduction: FilmG – The Gaelic Shorts Competition The FilmG Shorts competition is a fantastic opportunity for anyone wishing to take their first steps in making a short film. However, to succeed in the competition, you have to ensure that your film is as good as it possibly can be. Why? Because five minutes is a short time, and any deficiencies in the script will be exposed sooner rather than later. You only have one chance with your script, and if you miss it, you have lost your audience. N.B. These are NOT a set of rules, but simply a suggested strategy for writing your film. THE 8 STEPS 1. Find a small idea 2. Explore the structure 3. Define your world, character and problem 4. Beat it out 5. Write the first draft 6. Find a critical friend 7. Write the second draft 8. Write the third draft STEP 1: Find a small idea It may be stating the obvious, but every short film needs, at its core, an “idea.” This idea can be as ...
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...Writing Resource Guide Version 1.0, Fall 2002 By Lucy Honig Contents Introduction Writing for the MPH: A W/Rite of Passage A message to BUSPH students Useful writing references for SPH students The writing process: some practical tips Common problems The Paramedic Method of editing Referencing: Styles of citation Citation of electronic sources A note about plagiarism Using direct quotations and paraphrases Boston University writing resources 6 9 10 15 21 25 27 29 31 2 3 INTRODUCTION Public health professionals write all the time. Writing is an important tool for bringing about changes in policy, practice, public understanding, and health behaviors. You may create exciting and effective methods for addressing these matters, but if you cannot effectively communicate those ideas it is as if they do not exist at all. Furthermore, the process of writing helps to sharpen one’s ideas; good writing requires good thinking. Writing assignments in SPH courses have a variety of goals: to test your knowledge, to foster critical thinking, to enhance your research skills, to assess your communication skills and to prepare you for the myriad writing tasks you will encounter in your professional work. We expect you to carry out writing assignments with the thought and skill consistent with graduate level work, and we believe the improvement of writing skills is essential for the health of our profession. An MPH degree implies that you are equipped with the many competencies that are...
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...early. This guide was written based on our experiences as graduate students and our experiences advising graduate students, specifically, PhD students in NLP and machine learning; however, we hope many of the points are applicable to a wider audience. Where possible, we have indicated when advice is field-specific. Beyond that, the advice is listed in no particular order. No doubt there will be points with which you disagree. That’s totally fine -- there are certainly points about which even we had differing views; however, before you decide to ignore these points, it’s well worth taking the time to understand why we included them. Becoming a PhD Student Why Get a PhD? This question is dealt with extensively in other documents, so we will not discuss it in detail here; however, we want to emphasize the importance of asking this question. Getting a PhD will change your career path dramatically. Not only does getting a PhD mean you will spend years in school (with both personal and financial implications), it will also change the type of career you pursue. While we are both happy we got PhDs, it isn’t the right decision for everyone. Before applying to graduate school, you should think hard about whether this is the right path for you. Some specific points to consider are as follows: 1. You have to really...
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...Misconduct Throughout school you were taught to never cheat. As a kid growing up we learned that mean to keep your eyes on your own paper, don’t copy other peoples math homework, and to use your own words and create your own sentences. As a kid this was easy, we had no pressure to be the best we were able to struggle and have our parents teach us or fail and it would be okay because our grade point average did not matter. As we grow up we learn through this method of learning from our weakness, fails, and creativity that we all can create our own work and put our name on it. Cheating and plagiarism became scary in high school but became our worst nightmare in college if one choice to partake in it and got caught. I was always proud of my work, especially when you spend hours and hours working on something and when you are finally finished you look back and it was worth that amount of time you spent on it. Cheating is not worth it; you’re not only going against the rules of academic misconduct you are cheating yourself. You’re not allowing yourself to actually learn something you are taking the easy way out and misleading not only yourself but those around you. Cheating goes into a lot of aspect in life, academics, love, sports, etc. The most interesting thing is it always comes down to one tiny aspect of yourself, your scared of letting someone down, you want to win so bad, your lazy and don’t want to try, but it all comes down to the amount you put into that activity. If you want to...
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...Requirements Your principal research requirement this quarter, as described in the syllabus, is a research paper worth 75 points toward your course grade. This paper has two deliverables and two due dates. The first deliverable, due on Feb. 9th, is a thesis statement, outline and annotated bibliography is worth 25 points. All of these concepts are described in detail below. The second deliverable, due on March 18th, is your final paper and worth 50 points. The topic of your paper is any social issues in IT topic of your choice with these constraints: 1. You must have a thesis (an argument or position on an important topic of the day that is open to debate or dispute). This can take several forms depending upon your topic: It might be that you take a position on a topic that is hotly debated (e.g. are first person shooter computer games good or bad for pre- teens to be playing?) Or it might mean that you look at a technology development and posit a position using one of Postman’s five dimensions (e.g. Who are the winners and losers when we equip knowledge workers with company provided mobile devices? Or: what are the unanticipated systemic impacts of equipping knowledge workers with company provided mobile devices? Or: What are the underlying big ideas behind a society of workers enabled to carry mobile devices so that they have access to the Internet from everywhere most all the time? Note that you wouldn’t try to address all three of these questions in one paper; probably...
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...achieving ones own personal goals? Success to me can mean many things. Although I am successful in school, that does not necessarily mean I will lead a successful life. Success to me is setting personal goals, and following through with them. Whether you achieve your desired result or not, you have succeeded just by trying. Everyone’s vision of success differs. Success takes many different definitions. People have different interpretations of what success really means. For me is as simple as: living well and laughing often. The idea of living well is a very broad statement. Living well, in my opinion is getting success in personal, social and professional life. If I can achieve all of these three levels of success, I believe that I have lived well. Personal success for me is being able enjoy little things that life has to offer. For instance; understanding and appreciating diversity. To have someone to love and treasure, to meet the right person, fall in love, and get marry. To feel that I’m able to love my child and pass on wisdom to him .Feeling that someone loves me, is something that makes me completely happy and successful. Because I believe that without love, life is not thoroughly complete, thus never truly achieve success. I believe that, by being mentally and physically healthy, I have achieved personal success. When I get home to see my loving husband, my loved child, and then I’m able to sit down, relax and appreciate life, then I’m successful in my own right...
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...11 Position Papers I f you like to argue, you will enjoy writing position papers and argument essays. The purpose of a position paper or argument essay is to explain both sides of a controversy and then argue for one side over the other. This two-sided approach is what makes position papers and argument essays different from commentaries (Chapter 10). A commentary usually only expresses the author’s personal opinion about a current issue or event. A position paper or argument essay explains both sides and discusses why one is stronger or better than the other. Your goal is to fairly explain your side and your opponents’ side of the issue, while highlighting the differences between these opposing views. You need to use solid reasoning and factual evidence to persuade your readers that your view is more valid or advantageous than your opponents’ view. In college, your professors will ask you to write position papers and argument essays to show that you understand both sides of an issue and can support one side or the other. In the workplace, corporate position papers are used to argue for or against business strategies or alternatives. The ability to argue effectively is a useful skill that will help you throughout your life. 221 CHAPTER AT–A–GLANCE Position Papers This diagram shows two basic organizations for a position paper, but other arrangements of these sections will work too. In the pattern on the left, the opponents’ position is described up front with its...
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