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Why People Hate Obamacare Essay

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Why Most of the Small-business Owners Dislike Obamacare
The Affordable Care Act introduced during the Obama regime is finally losing out. The Republicans on Thursday voted against Obamacare and decided to repeal certain parts of the law which were made constitutional in 2010 after Barack Obama became President the year before.
Why people hate Obamacare
Nearly 60% of the American citizens are against the previous health plan started by Obama because of its increased premiums of health insurance. A survey revealed that it was becoming a pain for small business owners and President Donal Trump used it to his profit. Businessmen are continuously looking for new and affordable insurances that will not burn a hole in their pocket.
How is the plan affecting people? …show more content…
The new rule will overturn the individual mandate and it requires employers with more than50 workers to either pay penalties or give healthcare. For many, the individual mandate is more important and had been forced by the federal government to buy an insurance. Many hope that the new Republican scheme will also protect those with an existing medical insurance.
Who will benefit from it
The new health schemes are likely to benefit the young people ranging between the middle to higher income groups. But it might not be too forgive towards the people with lower income, poor health, and self-employment. The new scheme is being created by ripping out pieces of the old mandate which will change the shape of the health insurances as well the results.
What comes next
Till the time everything is sorted out and a new health plan is introduced, interim strategies will have to be found by business owners to keep their families secured. According to the CPA of Grassi & Co, Steven Goldstein, since Obamacare is still the rule, it is best to stick to it and keep away the IRS. However, it may be months before the new rule is made applicable by the present government.
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