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Why Should Assault Guns Be Banned In America

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Should Assault Rifles be Banned in America?
Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida, 17 dead. Route 91 Harvest Music Festival, Las Vegas 58 dead. Pulse Nightclub in Orlando Florida, 49 dead. Sandy Hook Elementary School, Connecticut, 26 dead. All these mass shootings have one thing in common, the perpetrator used an assault rifle. An assault rifle is a rapid-fire, magazine-fed automatic rifle designed for infantry use, most commonly used in the military. If you have been on Instagram or looked at the news lately, you would see that in America, the call for banning assault rifles has been more popular than ever. With events like March For Our Lives that have sparked this debate, started by teenagers just like us, I decided to choose my topic on why assault rifles should or shouldn’t be banned in America.
Because we are talking guns, I should make sure everyone understands …show more content…
When the framers wrote of “arms,” they were thinking about muskets and single-shot pistols. They could not have foreseen modern rifles or high-capacity magazines. They lived at a time when it was impossible to imagine one man barging into a crowded room and killing more than one or two people before having to reload and surely being subdued. No hunter needs a AR-15 to shoot a deer, and no person needs that high of a powered gun to defend themselves. Which leads me into my next reason.
These are military weapons. Their purpose is to kill human beings. They’re not used for hunting (unless you want to destroy the animal’s meat). They’re lousy for target shooting. But they’re excellent tools for mass murder. As you see on this chart on the screen, 3% the people in the shootings take down the shooter with guns. So even giving people a hand-gun has still not stopped a active shooter, while people argue that if they had an assault rifle they could defend themselves. 13% of unarmed people in shootings take down the shooter, more then 4 times as much as armed

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