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Why Should We End War

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Why Should We END War?

Let us first commence on war itself. What is war? According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, war is a period of fighting between states and nations. What is war portrayed as? An act of courageous heroism that led people to a liberty they had fought so hard to strive for. While all of the answers are correct, these answers are a mask of disguise of the horrid truth that is not put so bluntly in people’s faces. War is mass-murder that kills millions of innocent civilians, men, women, and children all over the world. Do they deserve to be killed in such a brutal way? No. This is why we should abolish war. (
War is a fatal disaster which is eminent, but did you know that war kills more people than diseases do each year? From this fact we can observe that humans kill each other more than diseases kill them. We are like animals that prey on each other, but there’s a difference. Animals were not given the gift of conscience that the humans were. Human brains have enough knowledge and conscience to tell what is right and what is wrong, and even …show more content…
It can spread like rapid fire that will take eternity to die down. Once a war starts, it is very hard to control it. War is an ultimate way of losing in all circumstances through high prices. It does not only affect the countries that participate in the war, but also globally. It completely destroys a nation’s population, but also ruins the environment of that nation. Natural resources will be destroyed along with habitable climate. Citizen’s liberty will be limited and those who suffered during the war will be left traumatized because war imprints a mental effect on anyone who has been subjected to it either directly or indirectly. Of course it has changed history, culture, and traditions in the past, but as humans are the only civilized species to inhabit Earth, we should negotiate to conflicts in a peaceful manner to convey our means.

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