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Why Waste Money On Fireworks That Go Up In Smoke Short Story

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Pages 5
Why waste money on fireworks that go up in smoke
People are suffering and that is no joke
The money spent could be put to better use there
But people these days don't seem to care
Just selfish enjoyment and to celebrate what?
A FAILED Attempt at a gunpowder plot
The governments as bad with its displays every year
Wasting money that could be used feeding the hungry their hunger to clear
Hospitals schools the police and more could do with the money as well as the poor
Why concern yourselves giving the best display
When the money could be spent saving lives every day Number 14 SPRINGTIME
The snowdrops are showing their heads through the soil
And the crocus are coming up in the lawn
Heralding the start of a new …show more content…
I wrapped up warm as I walked through the trees
Pleased that I did as there was quite a breeze
The trees were now growing back their greenery
Making for a more pleasant scenery
Birds were coming back from their migration and hedgehog emerging from his hibernation
It's lovely to see nature coming back from the dead
And a much brighter future for us all ahead
Spring heralds a new start to life for all
And nature is awakening showing its beauty big and small
As nature is showing new shoots of life
Why don't we do the same and forget our troubles and strife Number 15 THE RAINBOW
The arch of the rainbow looms ahead
With brilliant colours of blue indigo violet yellow green and red
The sun is shining the rain is falling
On the gentle breeze I hear voices calling
At the rainbows end there is no gold in a pot
It's an old wives tale far better forgot
Money and gold is not what you need
Just be thankful for what you have
Any more is pure greed Number 16 THE WATERFALL
The water cascades down the hill
The lake below continuing to fill
The force of it falling creating a mist with the sprays
Showing a myriad of colours through the suns rays
When the water hits the lake with a thunderous

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