Premium Essay

Why We Should Abortion Be Illegal

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Abortion should be illegal because, it's dangerous for the mother and child, every human being should be given the chance to life, and the child has no fault.

Abortion is seen in negative and positive ways, we’ve heard these terms a lot in our social media and even in the presidential race that just took place as well. The big question is when is right to do such an action to a human being? Is it even okay to think about it at all. Abortion has been around for awhile, since 1973 around 55 million unborn babies were killed. The fetus is not the only one who suffers but also the mother carrying the child. Abortions are heard to lead to serious problems for example the mother dying during the procedure and possibly not being able to have another …show more content…
They would then need to terminate the pregnancy, so she could live. Often some anti-abortion protesters say they would give up their life to let the baby have his, there is unbalance on this situation. First if the child is only a couple of months old and needs to be taken away from the mother, it would be very difficult to try breathing on its own. Also will probably cause further problems for the child in the future. This is why it's more sure the mother could survive after because her immune system is much stronger then the baby.

It's believed that we think the baby is not human until 3 months into the pregnancy. That's false, just because it not considered a human doesn't mean it not. The word fetus means little one in latin language. The heart starts beating at 22 days, thats is merely a month old, that is because it helps grow the baby more everyday. The body and organs created and all in function, the brain starts forming and functioning at 6 weeks. Abortion is only allowed at certain time in pregnancy, some clinics only will do the procedure at 12 weeks, some specialize in the third trimester. Abortion is legal all nine

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