...with you and move on to the next target. What did you do in this case? Did you attempt to scare that individual, or did you just mosey on about your business? According to the CDC 11 percent of all alcohol consumed in the United States is consumed by children and young adults between the ages of 12-20. More than 90 percent of this alcohol is consumed in the form of binge drinking. According to the U.S. Surgeon General, about 5,000 kids under 21 die every year as a result of underage drinking – from crashes, homicides, and suicides. Teens that drink also are at risk for a long list of other injuries and potential life-long alcohol abuse. Reducing underage drinking can reduce drinking-related harm This problem is important to not only me as a parent but also to you as a driver on the street. Underage drinking is a rapidly growing problem that causes homicides, suicides and public intoxication. We need to put into play harsher punishments for underage drinking and aiding in underage drinking in order to prevent this problem from spreading. We can enforce harsher laws by increasing the punishment for underage drinking, increasing the punishment for aiding in underage drinking and making underage drinkers take mandatory class of the effects of underage drinking. Underage drinking causes many lives to be ruined. According to the CDC in 2008 over 190,000 visits were made to the emergency room as a cause of underage drinking related...
Words: 1496 - Pages: 6
...Juveniles should not be imprisoned for life without the possibility of parole! In the Frontline documentary “When Kids Get Life” we are introduced to 5 cases in Colorado where teenage boys had been sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. Over 2,200 juveniles have been convicted of crimes and sentenced to life without parole in the 46 states of which have judicial waiver laws. Nathan Ybanez, Trevor Jones, Jacob Ind, Erik Jensen and Andrew Medina are the teenagers profiled in the documentary. The documentary shows five cases that dealt with felony murder. “The rule of felony murder is legal doctrine in some common law jurisdictions that broadens the crime of murder in two ways. First, when an offender kills accidentally...
Words: 888 - Pages: 4
...Judge that forbids or restricts a person from doing something. When use for domestic violence it forbids an abuser from neither harming someone nor committing further abuse on a victim. Though restraining orders have been found to be less effective then orders of protection, many victims consider them helpful when documenting that the abuse occurred (Violent Relationships, p.105). These orders usually prohibit communication, contact, harassment and physical nearness (Ingham.org). This paper will explore various downfalls of Personal protection and restraining orders. Causes leading to PPO’s and Restraining Orders Most women cook, clean, and take very good care of their family and treat their husband or significant other like a king, so why would she fall victim to domestic violence? There are woman of many different cultures, living a daily life of domestic violence. Some are wondering what did they do wrong, some are taking...
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...Racial Disparities in America’s Judicial System The mandatory imprisonment policies written for the judicial system are creating disparity of minority inmate population primarily due to non-violent drug crimes and the unjust mandatory minimum sentencing laws. America’s prisons are the most populated in the world, and they are disproportionately populated by minorities due to the set of mandatory imprisonment policies set in place. Over the past five decades, the disparity between races has widened dramatically according to the National Center on Institutions. In the 1950’s, blacks and Hispanics were the minorities in the prison system, whereas today whites are. Is this due to poverty? I’m sure poverty plays a big role in most cases. Robert Woodson Jr., president of the National Center for Neighborhood Enterprise said the reason young men engage in criminal activity is not just for money, it is to make a name for themselves, to have some expression of worth, even if the expression is self-destructive. Crack cocaine hit the streets in the early 1980’s, infesting the lower income areas. It’s a cheap drug compared to cocaine and easier to come by than some of the higher priced drugs. Is this considered racial disparity? The Sentencing Project in 2007 states that two-thirds of the regular crack users are white and Latino, 82 percent of defendants sentenced in federal court for crack offences are African-American. Criminologist William Chambliss suggest that blacks are more...
Words: 2051 - Pages: 9
...Parents should be punished when their child breaks the law. Do you agree? yes .. for example when a young person drinks to excessive and goes to the hospital .. the parents should pay. make a list of possible problems with children ... consider an age range, ... parental guidance and the limits ... and the consequences Abstract A “get tough” on juvenile crime perspective seems to dominate public opinion as school shooting incidents continue to occur across the nation and the media reports young children committing violent crimes. After virtually every incident, questions emerge about the juvenile's parents and what role they played (or should have played) in their child's life. Parental responsibility laws, varying greatly within and among the states, have appeared as one answer to these questions. Although these laws would seem to garner great public support under the new punitive attitude toward juveniles, no recent empirical studies have been conducted to determine if the public believes that parents should be held responsible and punished for their children's crimes. This dissertation organizes the different forms of parental responsibility laws into three separate categories. The first category is the civil liability imposed on parents when their children damage someone's property or inflict personal injury. The second category is the “contributing to the delinquency of a minor” statutes that apply to parents or other adults who encourage a juvenile in some way to break...
Words: 3193 - Pages: 13
...story used to be a family joke. I had fallen asleep and my parents were going to take that opportunity to have a quick cocktail at the bar. Apparently I had woken up and began to cry uncontrollably. My sister did her best to try and get me to stop, but how do you stop a cry baby from crying? My sister remembers stepping out to the balcony because of her frustration and looking down; she says that in her head she was telling herself that it was not a long a fall and that I was so chunky that I would bounce. Thank goodness my parents came back to the room before she could entertain her thoughts! I first learned about Christian Fernandez about nine months ago. I was browsing through my AOL news when I saw the headline “Florida Boy to Be Charged as an Adult”. It immediately caught my attention. I began to read the story of a 12 year old boy, Fernandez who was left taking care of his 5 year old brother and his two year old brother. Fernandez pushed his two- year- old brother into a book shelf twice, knocking the toddler unconscious. When reading Fernandez’s story it seemed to have it home because he was a child taking care of another child just as my sister was a child taking care of me, another child. I thought to myself what would have happened if my parents would have walked in a minute later. My sister and I adores each other, she would have never intentionally harm me. But she was too young to know better that people do...
Words: 4181 - Pages: 17
...been put into place in many states to legally drink is 21. Yet some still believe that 18 should be the legal age for the consumption of this drug called alcohol. Some argue that if a person can join the military, vote and be held responsible for themselves at the age of 18 that they should also have the right to drink alcohol. Others claim that fatalities from underage drinking are just too high and at the age of 18 a person is still not responsible enough to drink. In 1984 a bill was brought before government to raise the age to 21 or states would lose highway funding and in 1987 the government complied and signed a bill that forced most states to raise the legal age to 21, if they did not comply the state would lose ten percent of their highway funding. Some saw this as unfair and put laws into place where it was still legal for underage drinking with certain conditions attached, such as being supervised within your parents’ home. This bill has claimed to of saved 17,000 lives since 1988. The debate on the drinking age has raised many concerns for both sides and still continues to be a subject that brings controversy to any conversation. The pros of lowering the drinking age to 18 can be a very valid argument. At the age of 18 a young person is considered an adult and most believe that if you have the rights to join the army, get married and vote that the use of alcohol legally should be a right as well. Allowing an 18 to 20 year olds to drink in a controlled environment can...
Words: 1779 - Pages: 8
...Child Abuse Child abuse has many forms; one of its most common forms is sexual abuse. This form is when an adult, either a loved one or a complete stranger, takes advantage of a weak child in order to satisfy his own sexual needs. It can be either physical or visual and that is by forcing him/her to watch pornography. Child sexual abuse has been scattering all over the world. Every day, cases of child sexual abuse are reported to authorities vastly. In North America, 20 to 30% of men and women were sexually abused as kids, (Whealin, 2007). Some people, all around the universe, do not know the effects of it and what it causes for the next generation. However, those effects can be prevented easily yet patiently. Those ways are awareness, rationalism, and therapy. First, awareness plays an essential role in preventing CSA. Parents, acting as abusers, must be aware of the fact that what they’re doing might not only affect the child’s personality, but also affect the way he/she will react in certain incidents in the future. The child, not knowing right from wrong, will perform the same actions his/her parents did and will cause trouble for both himself/herself and others. Eventually, the abused child will get into trouble such as rape and the most common which is teenage pregnancy, Ethiop (1998). With time, 60% of teens that have been sexually abused, became pregnant (Berglas, Brindis, and Cohen, pg.16). Most teens, whichever boys or girls have at least gotten pregnant or gotten...
Words: 1506 - Pages: 7
...for anything to be successful everyone involved must put forth a joint effort. This paper will focus on a targeted population of juveniles African Americans and those of low economic status along with delinquency and recidivism, who commits juvenile crimes, why do juveniles reoffend. Juvenile delinquency is of great importance; and juvenile recidivism is even more important everyone should take the time to participate in some way in order to prevent it. Often time’s society questions why there is so much juvenile crime and recidivism that exist, but reality is until everyone works as a team instead of in separation juvenile crime and recidivism will stand just as it did the first day it started. The best research methods to use to retrieve credible and somewhat accurate information would definitely have to be both quantitative and qualitative research. The use of both methods is needed because there are certain points of the research that requires more detail and in depth concentration than other parts. Using qualitative research will allow for more flexibility, interaction, modifications within the research design, and it involves actual field work; also on that note when performing an interview the interviewee should be in a...
Words: 3671 - Pages: 15
...how to reduce drug trafficking in the United States. The author will focus on how drug dealers need to get harsher sentences then they do know and this may help reduce drug trafficking in the United States. The examiner has also determined that harsher sentencing is important factor in controlling to get the most serious drugs off the streets, for example, LSD, Heroin, and Cocaine. The researcher will conduct their analysis on harsher sentences for drug possessors, those who obtain dangerous drugs, and law enforcement agents who are charged with drug trafficking. Should those who possessed drugs or those who obtain illegal drugs and those who are involved bringing it across ours borders spend more time in prison then those who commit rape or rob a bank? America needs to impose tougher sentencing on those who chose to break the law and this will help reduce drug trafficking in America. Research done will show why they need to impose harsher sentencing for those chose to break the law and here what the author has found. In examining drug trafficking, the researcher found that those who possess it get harsher sentences then those who commit rape. According to the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) it depends on how much cocaine or marijuana or other substances they have on...
Words: 3555 - Pages: 15
...Juvenile Court system opened in the United Sates. The Juvenile Justice system design was to separate juvenile delinquents from adult criminals. Documentation proves that juveniles do not have the maturity level or the responsibility level of an adult to receive the same punishment as adults should. Juvenile Justice System main focus is rehabilitation as a replacement for punishment in which the adult court system focuses on punishment. The juvenile system methods are based on causation theories throughout history. However, with new trends comes new theories and with new theories comes a new wave of both rehabilitation techniques and designing those techniques to fit each juvenile personal needs; proving that change is in need throughout the different areas of the juvenile justice system. Community Community helps juveniles in different ways. Juvenile law will place them accountable for their actions. The community can help to hold the youths accountable for each of their delinquent actions. The community could help intervene by providing an effective intervention for the offender and to have the child protection protect the neglect or abused juveniles (The future of children). Each community should help develop different programs that will help with juveniles. Detention centers should become more productive to help the juvenile and prevention centers should develop more resources. The community could focus on fighting for more prevention programs like D.A.R.E, boys and girls club...
Words: 2199 - Pages: 9
...Americans goes on a drinking binge, knocking back an average of eight alcoholic beverages within a few hours.” Society’s views on drunk driving have changed a lot due to awareness of it and the effects it has on people and families. It affects society in a huge way with the fact that a lot of people die every year from being hit or hitting someone else in a drunk driving accident. Every year thousands of people are involved in an alcohol related accident, which effects many people from their family and friends to the people they got in an accident with. Drunk driving as a whole effects the whole society, at some point in your life you will of known someone who either was seriously hurt in an accident involving alcohol or you yourself are going to be involved in one. According to David J. Hanson, Ph.D. (2011) “In 2002, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimated that 35 percent of all traffic deaths occurred in crashes in which at least one driver or non-occupant had a BAC of 0.08 percent or more and that any alcohol was present in 41 percent of...
Words: 1001 - Pages: 5
...Introduction 1.2: Origin of the study 1.3: Objectives of the study 1.4: Data collection process 1.5: Limitations 1.1: Introduction Juvenile Delinquency is a terrible problem in the unequal management system of society of the modern world. Juvenile Delinquency is increasing for the fast and speedy development of Industrialization and Urbanization. Industrialization and Urbanization make changes the Family structure which increases the propensity of Juvenile Delinquency. A large scale of people has been shifted to City town from rural area and keeps staying in the abdomen. This also increases Juvenile Delinquency. Now Juvenile Delinquency has emerged as a matter of concern in Bangladesh in recent times with the number of children and young people involved in "criminal activities" rising at an alarming rate. In most of the cases this is not a deliberate choice for the children. Numerous social factors coupled with poor parenting, family troubles and above all extreme poverty are pushing these children to this anti-social position. A child is born innocent and if nourished with tender care and attention, he or she will be blossom with faculties physical, mental, moral and spiritual into a person of stature and excellence. On the other hand, noxious surroundings, neglect of basic needs, bad company and other abuses and temptations would spoil the child and likely to turn him a delinquent. Therefore, expressing his concern for Child care, the noted Nobel Laureate Gabrial Mistral...
Words: 23351 - Pages: 94
...“rehabilitation” rate in the world. The staggering part remains that not only do we have the highest prison population but our incarceration rate continues to grow as our creativity or desire to solve this problem continues to stagnate. One of the major issues when researching incarceration rates is the obvious elevated rate of young African-American males that are sentenced. While the percentage of African-American incarcerated males is extremely high the length of their sentences are shockingly elevated compared to the majority of population in the United States. “One in every nine African-American males aged 25-29 were in prison or jail in 2009, compared to one in twenty-seven Latino males and one in sixty white males in the same age group, according to the Sentencing Project”. ("State of Young America," 2009, para. 11) The question currently being dealt with in the United States is how do we accommodate all of these prisoners? Our countries answer has been quite simple, to build more prisons or as some would sugarcoat it, “rehabilitation facilities”. The correct question we should be asking is, why we have so many African-American prisoners, and why do they keep returning to prisons soon after release. These are supposed to be considered rehabilitation facilities? Exactly what is the goal for preparing these prisoners upon release? In looking for trends one would look no further than the high rate of incarceration of African-American males in inner...
Words: 2198 - Pages: 9
...Drugs by showing the way drugs have effects on people and been classified. This researcher will show how effects of drugs plays a major factor in today’s society. It will explore the cost of incarceration that play apart of today’s economy and how it has increased since the War on Drugs. This paper will also explore the term drug interdiction and how it has affected the War on Drugs. Drug interdiction is the process of confiscating illegal drugs from traffickers smuggling drugs into the United States borders. War on Drugs 3 War on Drugs Drugs have been around for years, being used for their medicinal uses, for their hallucination affects and other reasons. The same drugs are still being used today. Some argue that certain drugs should be legal considering that they are mainly plant based and therefore natural. The problem with it is people are learning ways to modify and condense the chemicals that are producing the affects wanted and making the affects stronger. Drugs are also being combined to create new drinks and drugs to be used, known as designer drugs. These new combinations can become lethal due to the drugs being condensed to intensify the effects. The United States has been fighting a war on drugs for over 100 years. In 1906 the Pure Food and Drug Act required ingredients to be on the labels. In 1914 the Harrison Narcotic Act was a policy that required regulation on how to market and prescribe certain drugs. This act required parties who were part of...
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