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William Blount Essay

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As one of the signers of the constitution, William Blount was one of the more memorable delegates to participate in the constitution. He represented North Carolina in the signing of the Constitution. William Blount was not only one of the delegates to sign the constitution, but was known for being involved in the government of the southwest territory, having confliction with the Senate, and also leaving a legacy on the state of Tennessee.
William Blount was born in 1749 at his grandfather’s estate near Windsor, NC. He was born into one of the wealthiest families in North Carolina due to the legacy his great grandfather left. His great grandfather Thomas Blount, who came from England to Virginia soon after 1660 and settled on a North Carolina …show more content…
After all this is when the continental congress came about. He was sent to the continental congress for months in order to be a delegate for his state. After all the fuss of the continental congress Blount decided to run for the first U.S. senate, but discovering he did not receive the position he decided to go west. In turn, he was appointed by Washington to be the governor of the southwest territories, including Indian affairs. He eventually got elected to be apart of one of the first U.S. senate’s, but not for long. His involvement with the Indians led him to be taken to trial because of his relations to them. A letter that Blount had written about his plans with the Indians, frontiersmen, and British naval forces to conquer for Britain the Spanish provinces of Florida and Louisiana fell into the hands of the senate. The house impeached him in 1797, but the senate dropped the charges two years later.
After many years of working in government Blount died at the age of 50. William Blount died in Knoxville TN on March 21,1800. He is buried in the first presbyterian church cemetery in Knoxville. Although William Blount was one of the most memorable delegates to sign the constitution, he is especially memorable to Tennessee. The university of Tennessee was first chartered

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