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Winston Churchill Research Paper

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Distinguished and Noted World Leader

Born on November 30th, 1874 in Oxfordshire in the United Kingdom, Winston Churchill grew up to be very educated man. He was the eldest son of Lord Randolph Churchill, and he grew up in Dublin, Ireland, where he was raised by his grandmother while his father worked as a politician. His father was employed to his Winston Churchill grandfather, John Spencer-Churchill and his mother, Jennie Jerome, was the American heiress.
Churchill was known as a rebellious student and school as a child and performed horribly in his first two schools. He was then sent to Harrow School near London where he enrolled into the Harrow Rifle Corps to develop his soon to be military skills. After trying three times to pass his …show more content…
He witnessed the Battle of Omdurman in 1898 when he served in the Indian northwest frontier in Sudan. In the army he wrote reports for the Daily Telegraph and wrote two books on his experiences. After leaving the army 1899, he worked as a war journalist for the Morning Post. When he reported on a war in South Africa, he was taken prisoner while on a expedition. Escaping almost 300 miles from the African territory to Portuguese, he wrote about his experience and he was the talk of the country when he returned to London. Afterwards, Churchill proposed to Clementine Hozier four times until 1908 when he won her …show more content…
He prepared a relationship with the president of United States, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Soviet Union leader Joseph Stalin to from the Allied powers against the Axis Powers. He was seen as great leader for the Allies even after his failure in 1915. On May 7, 1915, German forces sank the Lusitania due to the assumption there was munition on board. British and American women and children were killed causing an emotional stir in the Britons and American people. Theories say the blame was put onto Churchill who knew of the munition on board which may decrease the love of Britons toward him. Churchill was criticized for his inaction rather than his

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