Bosangs Dunn
Guide to Writing.
English 101, Analyzing Short Stories with Dr. Caroline Nobile.
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Everyday Use Outline.
Place: In the south, in Maggie's house
Author: Narrator herself.
Main of Characters: Maggie Johnson, Dee (Wangero Leewanika Kemango), Asalamalakim, Mama Johnson (Narrator).
Hero: Mama.
Dynamic character: Mom, Maggie
Short briefing how the character changes:
At first, the mom is passive, and allowing Dee to take whatever she wants. Then she stands up for Maggie, and refuses to give the quilts to Dee.
Maggie changes her view on her sister, in the past she was scared of Dee, but now she is not.
Antagonist: Dee
Static character: Hakim A Barber, Dee’s boyfriend
Briefly explanation of the battle: Dee believes that her family doesn't understand their heritage. And she does well, thus she want to own the quilts for herself.…show more content… Person likened sometimes to animals
Examples depicting a conflict:
1. The world never would say no to Dee.
2. Mama's allusion that Dee and her are on a Johnny Carson’sTV show this foreshadows to a conflict
3. Muscular and robust Mama’s physiology vs Maggie’s crashed dog attitude, and Dee the go-getter
Plot: Exposition: Description of the house, and family and their way of life.
Inciting Event: Introduction to Dee
Rising Action (list at least three events):
1. Dee’s arrival and announcing her identity’s change.
2. They sit down to eat, and Dee takes the churn top to use as a center piece
She then takes the Dasher too.
3. Dee asks (more like demands) to take two quilts that were made by Maggie, and her grandma. They are made out of pieces of their families clothing, and are all hand stitched.
4. Maggie leaves the kitchen, and slams the door
Their mother suggests that Dee take a few of the other ones
5. Dee refuses, and says that she wants those because they are hand stitched
Maggie says that it is alright, she can have