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Wk 2 Globalization


Submitted By wdsine
Words 378
Pages 2
The Bad Behind Globalization

Globalization always seems like a great idea and a goal to strive towards when starting a business. Globalization opens up opportunities to various markets. Globalization also allows a business to communicate more effectively and efficiently with their businesses customers, suppliers, and partners (Mourdoukoutas, 2011). However, there is also a very bad side of globalization that many overlook. (1, Premise) This bad side of globalization is called “free trade”.
The Bad (1, Conclusion) Free trade is a euphemism for investor rights that in many cases make a joke out of labor rights and environmental legislation. What tends to happen is that American jobs are being exported to exploited foreign workers whose governments are more than happy to keep the laborers in check politically and economically for a share of the profits. American workers can work just as efficiently and diligently as any other country. However, when foreign laborers are paid one dollar a day to do the same job, America simply cannot compete. Americans lose jobs to outsourced countries and American income and employment declines. The solution would seem to be to just simply raise trade barriers that in essence would put an end to globalization. However, that would just lead to trade wars, such was the case in the 1930s (Mourdoukoutas, 2011).
Globalization sounds good in theory. The goal of most businesses is to make profit. However, globalization has a more negative undertone in the big picture of things. Income and employment decreases, and a possible repeat of the trade wars of the 1930s could ensue. Businesses should look out for the well being of our country. Keep hard-working American workers in our jobs.

One example of how I used deductive reasoning was through the research of globalization. When we

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