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Women's Roles Then and Now


Submitted By robinsons6407
Words 1403
Pages 6
Women’s Roles Then and Now
Kimberly Lane
Dr. Ed. Yancey
HUM-World Culture II
November 24, 2011

Phillis Wheatley was purchased by Peter Gwinn as part of a cargo of slaves in a region his employer describes as “Sinagall,” most likely today’s Senegal. She was brought to Boston around seven years old to market of John Avery; there Mrs. Susanna Wheatley purchased the diminutive and sickly Phillis.
When Phillis came to the Colonies, she did not speak any English, but she quickly learned to read and write Latin and English. John Wheatley, her master, said she was able to read the Bible fluently in sixteen months. Susanna Wheatley and her daughter Mary did not have a scholarly interest themselves but simply fostered Phillis’ interest in Alexander Pope, Milton, and Homer. Phyllis joined the Old South Meeting House in 1771, solidifying her Puritan faith. The Wheatley family took pride in their “experiment” and showed Phillis off to other prominent families in the Boston Area.
Her role as a young woman in the family was complex. She had few domestic tasks, but was still the property of Mr. and Mrs. Wheatleys. She had privileges that other slaves seldom had, such as a lighted and heated room. Kenny Williams’ quotes friends of the family as saying that she “dined modestly apart from the rest of the company...where she could certainly expect neither to give nor receive offense.” Her role was unclear in the family and in society in general: “She inhabited a strange, ambiguous twilight zone between black society and white society, cut off from any normal contact with either, denied the sustenance of group identity.”
It is clear that Phyllis’ Christian compassion of the Wheatley family was the nurturing womb in which Phillis’ rare gifts were cultivated. She came to know the Bible well; and three English poets – Milton, Pope and Gray – touched her deeply and exerted a strong

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