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Worldview Essay:

According to Davies et al (1999), Christianity is a religion developed out of Judaism in the 1st century and derived from Jesus Christ which is based on the Bible predominantly in the New Testament as the Holy Scriptures. Christianity is usually professed by Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox and protestant bodies. It’s founded on the life, teachings, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The primary doctrine of Christianity is that Jesus is the son of God, the love of God in which He loves the world is the essential component of His being and that Jesus died so that human kind can be redeemed. Christian believes in justification of faith that through their belief in Jesus Christ as son of God and belief in His death and resurrection they can have a relationship with God, whose forgiveness for all was made when Jesus died on the cross. Christians beliefs includes belief in one and true God , who is one being he exists as Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Usually referred to as Holy Trinity) (Isaiah 43:10, Galatians 4:8-9, John 17:3;1{Bible}). Christian’s beliefs that God is Omnipotent all powerful and omnipresent or present everywhere (Jeremiah 23:23-24{Bible}). The Bible which is the Sacred book is said to be inspired word of God (2 Timothy 3:16; 2 & Peter 1:21{Bible}). The Bible unfolds the divine love between God as the creator, protector and provider of man. In the Bible God reveal Himself to man and man discovers His nature, love, justice, forgiveness character and His truth (NIV, Bible). According to the Bible in the book of Genesis, God created the world and everything in the world. The Bible says God created mankind distinct from the rest of the creation. In Bible (Genesis 1:26-27), says that God said, “lets Us make man in our own image according to our likeness and let man rule over the fish of the

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