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Work Ethics


Submitted By varun8
Words 396
Pages 2
A Legendary coach John Wooden said, "Many athletes have tremendous God-given gifts. … Who are these individuals? You have never heard of them and you never will." It means many gifted athlete’s fail to reach their true potential. To avoid future disappointments and reach true potentials a good work ethic is must in sports. The best thing is that it can be developed - and inculcating self-discipline in a positive way is one of the best things that one can do in sports. Even if one is not in his favourite sports work hard because they have developed a good work ethic and hare dedicated to give their best all endeavours they pursue. We can take the example of Yuvraj singh who initially wanted to be in skating or Sachin Tendulkar who formerly wanted to be tennis Player. Often, it is only when their hard work turns into success that a love for that sport develops; the hard work came first. It is important to note that with this emphasis on preparation over results, players develop a positive self-esteem regardless of whether or not they are successful. It needs to be understood that what is our hands is preparation and that we should to do with dedication ,results will eventually follow. Finally people who develop a good work ethic in sports generally recognize the importance of hard work in every endeavour they pursue, which is ultimately the goal of preaching a good work ethic in sports.
These can be possible suggestions to develop good work ethic :
1. Inculcate the practice of praising effort, not only results.
2. Need to avoid false praise, which congratulates for a task when the hardwork was lacking.
3. Make a habit of recognizing other hard-working athletes, telling such athletes how well their effort is appreciated and using them as an example.
4 Need to explain them the fact that its not the natural athletes that succeed in long run but the methodological, steady and hardworking athletes make a mark.
5. Make athlete aware of the fact that outcome is not in their hand but preparation is what they should focus on which eventually leads to results.
6. Encourage budding athlete to keep positive frame of mind and moments and keep bad experiences out of mind.
7. The "will" to prepare to be their best is considered a success.

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