...Are Third WorldCountries the Losers of Globalisation Page 1 Dennis DamerAre Third World Countries The Losers1/10of Globalisation? Are Third WorldCountries the Losers of Globalisation? Economics Term PaperBy Dennis DamerSS 2002 Content: Page 1. Introduction 22. What is Globalisation? 33. The Origins of Globalisation 34. The Third World 4a. African 4b. Asia 5c. Latin America6d. Russia 75. Globalisation - the Culprit? 76. Bibliography 97. Notes 9 Page 2 Dennis DamerAre Third World Countries The Losers2/10of Globalisation? Introduction Today more than a billion people areliving in extreme poverty having lessthan one dollar a day at their disposalto live or merely to survive. Moreover,until 2015 the world’s population willlikely have grown to 7 billion1. Add tothat 58 million HIV/Aids infectionslargely in the third world countries andmore specifically, Africa.Despite constant lamentation aboutextortionate taxes and poverty inwestern countries Europe, NorthAmerica and part of Asia is wealthierthan ever in the history of mankind.Investors from Europe put their moneyto work in countries around the world.Wal Mart recently announced $220billion in sales for 2001 making itbigger than the economies ofIndonesia, South Africa or Turkey².In the last two decades internationalflows of capital, goods, services,information and labour increased involume and accelerated substantially.In some industries national boundariesbecame obsolete, like remnants of a NGOs and pressure groups...
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