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Submitted By raima93
Words 372
Pages 2
Exercise 2 Worksheet: Explain Classroom Interactivity

Save this worksheet to your computer with the filename "Your_Name_Exercise_2."

Complete the table below by doing the following:

Fill in the table by adding your answer to each question.

Submit the completed worksheet as an attachment via the Assignment tab.

|Question about Classroom Interactivity |Your Answers |
|Why is it important for you to check your | Classmates, teachers and other U of P staff may need to get a hold of me and this |
|UOPX email account regularly as a student? |is generally the primary way used by all. Since I am attached to my phone/computer |
| |in some way at all times, this will be an easy transition for me. |
|What is the difference between the activity| The activity stream shows me what is and has been happening. I can see my own |
|stream and Classroom Discussion? |personal activity and also the activity of the class. Classroom discussions are |
| |separate and will be included in the activity stream but will be similar to the old|
| |DQ forums, in so that as a class we answer and discuss course topics. |
|How do you respond to Learning Activities? |Actiivities can be “clicked” and checked off to keep me in the know about what I |
| |still need to complete. Clicking a learning activity will open a new screen where a|
| |student can see what needs to be done (instructions), material needed to complete |
| |the task and discuss that particular leasrning activity. |
|How do you attach and submit assignment | Assignments are uploaded to the assignment files tab under the exercise one has |
|files? |clicked on. Then one must submit it and enter their name (instead of uploading a |
| |separate file) to ensure it is their original work. |
|Which of the following material formats do | eBook * Video * Animation * Simulation * Podcast | Video, simulations and |
|you think will enhance your learning the |podcasts will be my “go to” forms of... |
|most? Why? | |
|eBook | |
|Video | |
|Animation | |
|Simulation | |
|Podcast | |
|What steps would you take to post a private| |
|message to your instructor in the | |
|Classroom? | |
|Where is the best place to post | |
|a question about an assignment on which you| |
|need clarification? What are the steps you | |
|would take to post this type of question? | |

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