...10 Most Legendary Characters in World of Warcraft Whether you love it or hate it, you have to admit that there are very few games out there with as much epic lore content as World of Warcraft. As we fans have grown to love the game over the last decade the question arises: Who is the World of Warcraft best hero? This list is a compilation of some of the most epic and legendary heros (or villans) in the Warcraft universe. They selection criteria involved the way that they changed the world, how epic their deeds are, and finally there is a cool factor as well. Here we go! World of Warcraft best hero top 10 list: 10. Illidan Stormrage The night elf demon hunter was supposed to aid Malfurion and Tyrande in the defense of the world tree, but...
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...Assignment 1 – Annual Report Project Zachary Professor Chuck Brooks Accounting 1 – ACC100 December 3, 2012 The annual report is a financial documentation that is published by the company to summarize the transactions that went on throughout the year. Activision Blizzard, Inc, is a worldwide online, personal computer, video game console, handheld and mobile device game publisher (2012 Annual Report, Activision Blizzard Inc). The main sections of its annual report are the statement of operations, balance sheet, and the statement of cash flows. Annual Report Main Sections The statement of operations, also known as the income statement, is used to access the performance and financial position of a company (Kelly & McGowen, 2012). It performs this action by listing the revenue collected minus the expenses deducted to give a net income or net loss. Activision Blizzard Inc., its total revenue was higher that its total expense thus when put into the equation revenue – expenses with the revenue higher the company received a net income. The balance sheet, sometimes called the statement of financial position, is the summary of the companies financial balances (Kelly & McGowen, 2012). The balance sheet shows the company's assets, liabilities and owner's equity. This is information is presented in an equation where the assets must be equal to the liabilities plus the owner's equity. The statement of cash flows is the financial statement that shows how the changes in balance...
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...SALES, DEMOGRAPHIC AND USAGE DATA 2013 ESSENTIAL FACTS ABOUT THE COMPUTER AND VIDEO GAME INDUSTRY [ iii ] “No other sector has experienced the same explosive growth as the computer and video game industry. Our creative publishers and talented workforce continue to accelerate advancement and pioneer new products that push boundaries and unlock entertainment experiences. These innovations in turn drive enhanced player connectivity, fuel demand for products, and encourage the progression of an expanding and diversified consumer base.” —Michael D. Gallagher, president and CEO, Entertainment Software Association [ iv ] WHAT’S INSIDE WHO IS PLAYING 2 3 Who Plays Computer and Video Games? Who Buys Computer and Video Games? AT PLAY 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 What Type of Online and Mobile Games are Played Most Often? How Many Gamers Play on a Phone or Wireless Device? How Many Gamers Play Games With Others? How Long Have Gamers Been Playing? Parents and Games Do Parents Control What Their Kids Play? Top Reasons Parents Play With Their Kids THE BOTTOM LINE 8 9 10 11 What Were the Top-Selling Game Genres in 2012? What Were the Top-Selling Games of 2012? Sales Information: 2002–2012 Total Consumer Spend on Games Industry 2012 WHO WE ARE 12 12 About ESA ESA Members OTHER RESOURCES 13 ESA Partners The 2013 Essential Facts About the Computer and Video Game Industry was released by the Entertainment Software Association (ESA) at E3 2013. The annual research was conducted...
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...SurSaleS, Demographic, anD USage Data 2014 eSSential FactS aboUt the compUter anD ViDeo game inDUStry [i] “our industry has a remarkable upward trajectory. computer and video games are a form of entertainment enjoyed by a diverse, worldwide consumer base that demonstrates immense energy and enthusiasm for games. With an exciting new generation of hardware, outstanding software, and unmatched creativity, technology, and content, our industry will continue to thrive in the years ahead.” —michael D. gallagher, president and ceo, entertainment Software association [ ii ] What’S inSiDe Who iS playing 2 4 Who plays computer and Video games? Who buys computer and Video games? at play 5 5 6 7 7 9 What type of online and mobile games are played most often? how many gamers play on a phone or Wireless Device? how many gamers play games With others? parents and games parents control What their Kids play top reasons parents play With their Kids the bottom line 10 11 12 13 What Were the top-Selling game genres in 2013? What Were the top-Selling games of 2013? Sales information: 2003–2013 total consumer Spend on Video game industry in 2013 Who We are 14 14 about eSa eSa members other reSoUrceS 16 eSa partners the 2014 Essential Facts About the Computer and Video Game Industry was released by the entertainment Software association (eSa) in april 2014. the annual research was conducted by ipsos mediact for eSa. the study is the most in-depth and targeted...
Words: 3045 - Pages: 13