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Written Assignment


Submitted By stacyku30
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Pages 9
Written Assignment: Self Review Communication Improvement Plans, Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4
This week, you will evaluate your Self Review Communication Improvement Plans, Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the textbook. Answer the following questions about your Self Reviews.
Self Review Part 1: Do the Self Review for the end of Part 1, Foundations of Communication on page 110. Compare this to the first Self Review on Part 1 that you did in Week 1. Read over the communication improvement plan for Part 1 that you wrote during Week 1. Have you changed any of these communication behaviors during this course? Were you able to implement this Part 1 Plan? Why or why not?

part 1 Self Review Foundations of Communication
Establishing a Communication Foundation from Chapters 2 through 5
What kind of a communicator are you? This review looks at several specifics that are basic to effective communicators. On the line provided for each statement, indicate the response that best captures your behavior: 1, almost always; 2, often; 3, sometimes; 4, rarely; 5, never. _3__ | When I speak, I tend to present a positive image of myself. (Chapter 2) | _3__ | In my behavior toward others, I look for more information to confirm or negate my first impressions. (Chapter 2) | _3__ | Before I act on perceptions drawn from people’s nonverbal cues, I seek verbal verification of their accuracy. (Chapter 2) | _1__ | I use specific language when I speak, avoiding generalizations that could be misinterpreted. (Chapter 3) | _2__ | I speak clearly, using words that people readily understand. (Chapter 3) | _1__ | When I am speaking with people of different cultures or of the opposite sex, I am careful to monitor my word choices. (Chapter 3) | _1__ | I tend to look at people when I talk with them. (Chapter 4) | _3__ | Most of my sentences are free from such expressions as “uh,” “well,” “like,” and “you know.” (Chapter 4) | _1__ | I consider the effect of my dress on others. (Chapter 4) | _1__ | I try to make sure that my nonverbal messages match my verbal messages. (Chapter 4) | _2__ | I listen attentively, regardless of my interest in the person or the ideas. (Chapter 5) | _2__ | When I’m not sure whether I understand, I seek clarification. (Chapter 5) | _1__ | When a person describes an unfortunate experience, I am able to provide appropriate comfort. (Chapter 5) |
Based on your responses, select the communication behavior you would most like to change. Write a communication-improvement goal statement similar to the sample improvement plan in Chapter 1 (page 18). If you would like verification of your self-analysis before you write a goal, have a friend or co-worker complete this same analysis for you.
Based on my responses, the communication behavior that I would most like to change is “When I speak, I tend to present a positive image of myself. Whenever I speak, I often become self-conscious and will begin to think about what others think of me. I will wonder if they will think of me negatively or positively. Because of this type of thinking, I become distracted and will begin to stutter, blush, and lose my train of thought when speaking. I believe that the only way to deal with improving this specific communication behavior, it will basically get better over time and practice. The more I speak in public, the more comfortable I will become and hopefully become more confident when presenting myself in front of an audience. [edit] Now, I am able to slightly speak with less shakiness in my voice and have come to terms with dealing with my self-consciousness. I always tell myself now that I will have to mature and grow up in order to succeed in life. I take note of this as a sort of comfort that I need to deal with speaking in public or to other business people.
Self Review Part 2: Do the Self Review for the end of Part 2, Interpersonal Communication on page 206. Compare this to the first Self Review on Part 2 that you did in Week 1. Read over the communication improvement plan for Part 2 that you wrote during Week 1. Have you changed any of these communication behaviors during this course? Were you able to implement this Part 2 Plan? Why or why not? part 2 Self Review Interpersonal Communication
Interpersonal Communication from Chapters 6 through 8
What kind of an interpersonal communicator are you? This analysis looks at specific behaviors that are characteristic of effective interpersonal communicators. On the line provided for each statement, indicate the response that best captures your behavior: 1, almost always; 2, often; 3, occasionally; 4, rarely; 5, never.
_3__When I communicate with a person from another culture, I make an effort to keep an open mind and accept ambiguity in our interactions. (Ch. 6)
_2__When engaging in intercultural communication, I listen carefully to what the other person is saying and adjust my communication to that person and our situation. (Ch. 6)
_1__I make an effort to spend time with my friends, I share my feelings with them, and I provide them with comfort and support when they are feeling vulnerable. (Ch. 7)
_1__I maintain intimacy in my closest relationships by being dependable and responsive. (Ch. 7)
_3__I describe objectively to others my negative feelings about their behavior toward me without withholding or blowing up. (Ch. 8)
_1__I am quick to praise people for doing things well. (Ch. 8)
_3__I criticize people for their mistakes only when they ask for criticism. (Ch. 8)
_3__When I find myself in conflict with another person, I am able to discuss the issue openly without withdrawing or appearing competitive or aggressive. (Ch. 8)
Based on your responses, select the interpersonal communication behavior that you would most like to change. Write a communication improvement plan similar to the sample goal statement in Chapter 1 (page 000). If you would like verification of your self-review before you write a contract, have a friend or a co-worker complete this same analysis for you.
Based on my responses, the interpersonal communication behavior that I would most like to change would be “When I find myself in conflict with another person, I am able to discuss the issue openly without withdrawing or appearing competitive or aggressive.” Whenever there is a conflict with another person, I often feel that if I am right, I find it unbelievable if the other person will keep on arguing even though they are wrong. It often angers me when I have done nothing wrong, but others often feel the need to bring up the subject and insist that I am in the wrong. Because of this, I feel very obligated to become aggressive and loud in order to put them in their right mind set. However, the people responsible for always assuming that I am wrong are older than me. Due to this fact, I often bottle up my anger. I would like to improve by allowing myself to tell them that they are wrong and should not assume that I am always wrong. [edit] Now I realize that as adults, the best way to deal with problems is to be calm and speak calmly. It would not be wise to start arguing, yelling, or any unnecessary actions that may cause bigger problems. I feel that it is easier on both parties when discussing issues calmly.
Self Review Part 3: Do the Self Review for the end of Part 3, Group Communication on page 249. Compare this to the first Self Review on Part 3 that you did in Week 2. Read over the communication improvement plan for Part 3 that you wrote during Week 2. Have you changed any of these communication behaviors during this course? Were you able to implement this Part 3 Plan? Why or why not? part 3 Self Review Group Communication

Group Communication from Chapters 9 and 10

How effective are you at working in problem solving groups? The following statements can help you evaluate your effectiveness in group settings. Use this scale to assess the frequency with which you perform each behavior: 1 = always; 2 = often; 3 = sometimes; 4 = rarely; 5 = never.

_3__I enjoy working with others to accomplish goals. (Ch. 9)

_3__I adapt my behavior to the norms of the group. (Ch. 9)

_5__I am comfortable with conflict. (Ch. 9)

_3__I actively listen and keep an open mind during problem solving discussions. (Ch. 10)

_2__I avoid performing self-centered roles in the group. (Ch. 10)

_2__I am equally adept at performing task and maintenance roles in the group. (Ch. 10)

_2__I come to group meetings prepared. (Ch. 10)

_2__During group meetings, my active participation makes positive contributions to goal accomplishment and maintaining good relationships. (Ch. 10)

_1__After meetings, I complete tasks I have been assigned and review meeting notes and minutes. (Ch. 10)

To verify this self-analysis, have a friend or fellow group member complete this review for you. Based on what you have learned, select the group communication behavior you would most like to improve. Write a communication improvement plan similar to the sample goal statement in Chapter 1 (page 18).
The group communication behavior I would most like to improve is “I enjoy working with others to accomplish goals.” I do sometimes enjoy working with others to accomplish goals, but my personality at work is that I am very independent and do not like to rely on others to achieve goals and finish tasks. I find that it is very difficult to get along with others and work at the same pace as others. There are many people that are somewhat slower at completing tasks than I am and they do not feel that the tasks are very urgent. Because of this, I feel that relying and depending on others is a type of hassle and is very irritating. I also often feel that if I do everything myself, it will be easier and more organized. However, that is just the case in my current work environment. I have yet to broaden my horizons and experience bigger work places and different types of people. I hope that in the future when I apply to bigger organizations, I will learn to adapt to a new environment and work well with others. [edit] Now, I realize that it is difficult to work on problems, projects, or issues alone. In order to succeed in the business world and in life, it is best to always work together with others in order to process things faster and with ease. With practice, working together with others will come more easily.
Self Review Part 4: Do the Self Review for the end of Part 4, Public Speaking on page 418. Compare this to the first Self Review on Part 4 that you did in Week 2. Read over the communication improvement plan for Part 4 that you wrote during Week 2. Have you changed any of these communication behaviors during this course? Were you able to implement this Part 4 Plan? Why or why not? part 4 Self Review Foundations of Communication

Public Speaking from Chapters 11 to 16

What kind of a public speaker are you? The following analysis looks at specifics that are basic to a public-speaking profile. Use this scale to assess the frequency with which you perform each behavior: 1 = always; 2 = often; 3 = sometimes; 4 = rarely; 5 = never.

_3__When I am asked to speak, I am able to select a topic and determine a speech goal with confidence. (Ch. 11)

_2__When I speak, I use material from a variety of sources. (Ch. 11)

_3__In my preparation, I construct clear main points and organize them to follow some consistent pattern. (Ch. 12)

_2__In my preparation, I am careful to be sure that I have developed ideas to meet audience needs. (Ch. 13)

_3__When I speak, I sense that my audience perceives my language as clear and vivid. (Ch. 13)

_2__I look directly at members of my audience when I speak. (Ch. 14)

_2__When I speak, my bodily actions help supplement or reinforce my ideas; I feel and look involved. (Ch. 14)

_3__I have confidence in my ability to speak in public. (Ch. 14)

_3__When I give informative speeches, I am careful to use techniques designed to get audience attention, create audience understanding, and increase audience retention. (Ch. 15)

_3__When I give persuasive speeches, I am careful to use techniques designed to build my credibility, prove my reasons, and motivate my audience. (Ch. 16)

To verify this self-analysis, have a friend or fellow group member complete this review for you. Based on what you have learned, select the public-speaking behavior you would most like to improve. Write a communication improvement plan similar to the sample goal statement in Chapter 1 (page 18).
The public-speaking behavior I would most like to improve would be “In my preparation, I construct clear main points and organize them to follow some consistent pattern.” When I am speaking in public, as described in Part 1, I often become self-conscious and distracted, thus it leads to a mess of a speech. Once I can get over the fact of being self-conscious, I will be clear-headed and will be able to organize the details and topics in my head in order to deliver them properly in a speech.

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