...Associate Level Material Appendix B Picture the Supply Chain |Upstream Component |Internal Component |Downstream Component | |(sourcing/procurement) |(packing/assembly |(distribution) | | |manufacturing) | | | | | | |Where planning, managing, sourcing and |Packaging, manufacturing, assembling are |In this supply section, allocation and/or | |producing of the entire activities are made|taken place in this supply section. |distribution of the finished products by | |by external suppliers. | |external distributors are taken place. | | |Based on the behavior of Warner Brother’s | | |For this purposes, Hewlett-Packard is |customers and the booming in technology |Due to nature of the customer demand and | |chosen main supplier by Warner Brothers. |with new gadgets and devices, Warner |growing technology, Warner Brothers created| | |Brothers decided to make future investments|digital...
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...Club IT Part 2 University of Phoenix XBIS/219 1/13/2012 Club IT Part 2 * After meeting with Lisa and Ruben, I came up with several ideas for Club IT to become more successful throughout. I researched several project development methodology that could bring Club IT to a whole new level as far as business and information technology. I was also able to give Lisa some suggestions on how to keep Club IT's edge as high energy and high impact as possible through club and public resources such as network applications (University of Phoenix, 2012). I have also identified three business problems at Club IT and plan on fixing those problems as soon as possible with my suggestions. The project method methodology that I have decided to go with for the company is rapid application development. I chose this methodology because it can combine a number of tools and user requirements such as prototyping and joint application design to rapidly produce a high quality system (Rainer & Turban, 2009). This methodology is important because it allows the users in the company to be involved from the start as well as speed up systems development. Three business problems at Club IT are the website, computer hardware, and Internet. These three problems are huge for Club IT because these problems are slowing Club IT's business down. By upgrading and fixing these problems, Club IT could be better than ever. Club IT's website has been a problem because the website lacks the same excitement...
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